Specimen of Quesnelia quesneliana

Although all bromeliads are very ornamental plants, there are some that, despite having the very common green color, “make a garden / home”; that is, they look great in those corners that have become a bit serious or even abandoned. One of them is the quesnelia.

This is a very pretty plant, reaching a size which is neither too small nor too large to be grown in a pot or in the ground. Let’s get to know it.

Origin and characteristics

Quesnelia is a genus of bromeliads native to eastern Brazil. Its leaveslanceolate and light green to dark green, grow into a rosette that stays close to the groundreaching a maximum height of 40 centimeters. The flowers are grouped in terminal inflorescences, that is, after the wilting of their petals, they and the plant that produced them also die, leaving only the suckers.

Its growth rate is slow, but that is not a problem since it is one of those plants that are ornamental since they are very young.

Care and maintenance

Flower of the Quesnelia testudo

If you want to get a copy, we recommend providing the following care:

Have you heard of the Quesnelia?