Water chestnut

Image – Wikimedia /Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz

The water chestnut It is a beautiful aquatic plant widely grown in aquariums or in pots without holes. Its rhombus-shaped leaves and its beautiful white flowers, added to its easy care, make it a plant that anyone can have, regardless of the experience they have caring for plants.

In addition, its fruits are edible, so … why wait to have one? Here is your file.

Origin and characteristics

The water chestnut, also known as water caltrop or tribulus, is a plant native to Asia that grows in water. Its scientific name is Swimming trap. Its submerged stem can reach 3,6 to 4,5 meters long, and from it sprout some rhombus-shaped leaves with deeply serrated margins. These are about 5cm long and are green.

The flowers, which bloom in summer, are white and they are composed of four petals. The fruit is a 0,5 to 1cm nut, with thorns, inside which we find the seeds.

How do you take care of yourself?

If you want to get a copy, we recommend providing the following care:

  • Location: in full sun or light shade.
  • Plantation: in spring, when the risk of frost has passed. The size of the pond or the pot without holes is a bit indifferent. The adult plant reaches a wingspan of 23cm.
  • Planting depth: is floating.
  • Type of water: grows best in that which is somewhat acidic and remains almost completely stagnant.
  • Multiplication: by seeds in spring.

What uses does it have?

Water chestnut flower

Image – foodandhealth.ru

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