Zamioculcas zamiifolia

The Zamiocucla has only one species that is known by the name of Zamioculca zamiifolia

The zamioculca has only one species that is known by the name of Zamioculca zamiifolia and it is a tropical type plant that comes from Africa. In recent years it has gained quite a bit of popularity due to its particular appearance and above all because of the large number of properties it contains.

To plant and care for this plant you do not need to be a specialist in gardening. Therefore and if we are just starting with these topics, we should not worry, since this plant is very resistant and it is also undemanding when we refer to its cultivation. However and despite this and like any of the plant species, your plantation needs some very important conditions so that it can develop in an adequate way.

Characteristics of the Zamioculca

Characteristics of the Zamioculca

Through this article we are going to study what are the characteristics and the most important properties of this plant, without neglecting the care and requirements that the Zamioculca needs.

We must also bear in mind that this it is a plant that reproduces in different ways.

The Zamioculca is a plant that belongs to the Araceae family and has long-lasting leaves that stand out mainly for appearance and resistance. This kind of plant is perfect for those people who do not have much time to take care of it and for those who are not very good at gardening.

This is a tropical plant whose original environment is found in the southern regions of Africa. Among the areas that stand out the most are South Africa, Tanzania and Kenya. In its natural environment, the Zamioculca can grow to a height of more than one meter.

The Zamioculca grows rather slow by means of a tuber found underground and has very thick roots.

Its leaves are mainly composed of a fairly thick stem and very shiny dark green round-shaped leaflets. At the same time, they are pinnatepulpy and have the shape of a spearhead.

The leaves, in the same way as the roots, act as organs that store water.

The flowers grow inside a small inflorescence that has a bright yellow almost metallic color and is approximately two inches long. Its flowering occurs from summer and until the beginning of the winter season. These flowers do not have any kind of decorative value and the occasions where it grows indoors are very rare. Its fruit is white in color and is about 12 millimeters in diameter and its popularity is mainly due to the beauty of its leaves.

The Zamioculca it is not a plant capable of self-pollinationthat is, it needs the help of insects to carry out the pollination process. Despite the fact that its leaves are toxic, this plant is also used in traditional medicine.

Because it does not support the cold weather outside or the excess of shademakes it a perfect plant for indoor development.

Care that the Zamioculca needs

Care that the Zamioculca needs

As we mentioned earlier, this species is one of the most resistant and at the same time undemanding that they exist within the plant world. However, this does not mean that this plant is free from the main cares.

Its cultivation is quite simple since generally it tends to develop in practically any indoor area.

However, needs at least a minimum temperature of 15 ° Cbecause it is a tropical plant. In terms of sunlight, the Zamioculca can grow in brightly lit spaces, as well as areas that are more shaded.

To ensure that our plant can grow properly, it is preferable that it does not receive direct sunlight.

The Zamioculca zamiifolia like all plants, requires care that we could consider essential so that it can be developed in perfect conditions. There are some tasks that we need to do to ensure that it is a perfect crop, such as irrigation, fertilization and multiplication.


One of the most important things in the Zamioculca cultivation It is irrigation, since the amount of water that we are going to give it will depend a lot on the light it absorbs.

Which means that if the plant is in an area where there is a lot of light, then we have to water it generously especially in the spring and in summer, which are the hottest seasons of the year. On the other hand, if the species is in an area where it has more shade, the amount of water that we will use to irrigate it will be less.

The most advisable is water the plant a little less than do it excessivelysince the Zamioculca does not support waterlogging. This species can survive in partially dry environments, therefore it does not need its leaves to be pulverized.

Soil and transplant

The Zamioculca adjusts perfectly to any kind of soil, being its favorites, those that are light, smooth and perfectly drained. Similarly, if the soil contains humus it is much better.

In the case of transplantation of this tropical speciesWe must do it when the plant has grown enough and the pot is too small for it. It is very important to do this task during the spring time.

Regarding the change of container, the most recommended is do it every two to three years.

The subscription

The Zamioculca adjusts perfectly to any kind of soil

During the spring and especially in the summer time, we have to compost the plant at least once a month and for this we are going to dissolve a quality fertilizer in the water that we will use to irrigate.

This compost must have macroelements such as phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen and micro-elements such as manganese, boron, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc and molybdenum. These two classes of elements are essential for the development of the Zamioculca.


In order to accomplish this task, we have to remove all the foliage that has a appearance blackened, yellowish and dry. With this we will achieve that our plant has that striking and lively appearance again, it is also necessary that we cut all the branches that are already dry.

We must bear in mind that the tools that we are going to use must be previously disinfected and clean so that we can prevent the tissues and parts that we are going to treat from contracting any kind of infection.

The multiplication

The Zamioculca zamiifolia is a plant that can reproduce in different ways, however, each of these ways are very slow. If we want our plant to grow quickly, then we will do the multiplication using bulbs.

Another form that is also very popular is the one made by foliar cutting.

By bulbs: we carefully remove the bulbs that are inside the Zamioculca pots and place them in individual pots. As usual about three bulbs are placed for each pot.

By leaf cutting: in order for us to be successful with this method, we are going to need a mix of sand, bark and perlite with good drainage.

To subdivide the plant by means of this procedure, we must remove the leaves together with the corner in the autumn season and then we will bury them in a vertical position in that special mixture that we prepared previously. We have to water regularly so that the soil stays moist.

Inside the containers where we place the cuttings, the bulbs will be born that later new Zamioculcas will sprout.

Plagues and diseases

The Zamioculca is a fairly resistant plant

The Zamioculca it is a quite resistant plant and precisely for that reason it is very strange that this species is harmed by some pests or diseases. Because of that, when the plant looks bad or is sick, it may be a case of bad cultivation technique.

The cottony mealybug

This is one of the most common pests in any type of vegetable garden or garden. These insects so generally tend to damage plants that are more fragilewhich have very little strength or with clear signs of stress.

These parasites absorb the juices and sap of the Zamioculca. The effects of these pests can be seen with just a glance, as the plant no longer blooms and the leaves change their color from bright green to pale yellowish.

Similarly, the cottony mealybug It can cause the appearance of the bold fungus, which feeds until it is completely weak.

What can we do if the cottony mealybug has already infected our plant? If this parasite has already started to damage the crop, the safest solution is to use a specific insecticideThen we are going to remove the other plants that are close to the contaminated plant, in this way we will avoid a possible contagion.

To avoid the spread of this pest, we must periodically apply organic fertilizers and at the same time condition the irrigation to the needs of the Zamioculca.

Zamioculcas zamiifolia

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