Caring for the Water Stick

Water stick

A couple of years ago I bought a little Water stick that since then decorates my living room. It is in the center of the small table and has always been generous with me, although in recent times I have discovered that its leaves are beginning to dry and I am not sure what the problem may be.

When I bought it they recommended me not to water it too much and I did that but I still see how it deteriorates more and more. The worst thing is that it is not the first time that it happens to me. Some years ago – five, maybe six – my husband bought another Palo de Agua, this time much bigger and more attractive. We place it in a corner of the house, neither too dark nor under the effects of direct sun. He lived happily for two or three years until one day the same thing happened: leaves that begin to dry and the next date of death.

Do you want a water stick or log from Brazil? Here you go 1 log at a great price.

Well then, I wonder:how to take care of a water stick so that it is always in good condition?

Characteristics of the Water Stick

For those who have never seen one, the Water Stick is a plant of tropical origin It is common to see it indoors, although it can also be found outdoors. It is a perennial plant whose leaves are long and hanging with the novelty of a small yellow stripe in the middle. Another aspect for which it stands out is its thick trunk, brown and with rings.

Water stick

Although it is not very frequent, in some cases the Palo de Agua, also known as Brazil log or Brazilian stickblooms. It is not a common thing but it happens and then a flower with an attractive scent appears. Of course, to see them you have to have an adult and large plant because only those that follow these characteristics flourish. In addition, the Palo de Agua gives flowers only twice in its life.

Water stick

Brazilian Trunk Care and Tips

One of the central aspects for the Palo de Agua to develop in optimal conditions is do not expose it to direct sun because then it burns. Ideally, place it in a place where receive natural light but not direct avoiding very dark places because then the leaves turn brown.

On the other hand, you should know that the ideal temperature is between 20º to 25º C. In very cold environments, the plant stops growing as the leaves fall. In addition, the ideal is a humid environment because remember that it is a tropical plant.

Plants regulate the climate

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The Water Stick does not need much watering the soil must remain moist. It will be enough to water it two or three times a week. If you find that the leaves turn brown and begin to fall, it is likely that it is lacking in water. Another alternative is to spray the leaves as they begin to dry out. If, on the contrary, the watering is excessive, the leaves will look too shiny.

brazil stick

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How to prune a Brazilian stick

The Water Stick can reproduce by cuttings or through logs already pruned from those that grow roots. The best seasons to do this are spring and fall. In addition, it is recommended to transplant it every two years, filling the pot with a high-quality universal growing medium, such as the one from Flower that you can buy here!. On the other hand, in the summer it is best to apply liquid fertilizer for green plants, such as Compo which you have available here!. Follow the instructions for use so there is no risk of overdose.

Water Stick Leaves

If there is something I did wrong? Have I watered too much? Or has there been a lack of water? I still haven’t finished discovering why these plants and I are not good companions although I will follow these tips point by point to see if I can get my little Palo de Agua back that although downcast it is still a very pretty plant, ideal for decorating environments.

Thinking about it a bit, I think the problem in this case is that the pot is somewhat small. Perhaps it is time to change the pot so that the plant finds a more favorable habitat and also manages to retain the water it needs to live in good conditions. Here’s how to do it step by step:

Water Stick Problems

The trunk of Brazil can have diseases

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Pests and diseases of the trunk of Brazil

Although the Palo de Agua is a quite resistant plant, if we are careless with the irrigation and / or with the subscriber it can be a victim of the attack of plagues and have diseases like these:

  • Red spider: it is a mite of about 0,5 millimeters of red color that feeds on the cells of the leaves. Like spiders, they produce webs by which they move from one leaf to another. Symptoms are discolored or yellow spots, in addition to the cobweb.
    It is eliminated with Chlorpyrifos.
  • Mealybugs: they are insects that can be flakes like limpets or like cotton that settle on the green leaves and stems, causing loss of color and deformations.
    They can be easily removed with a brush dipped in soap and water, or with an anti-cochineal insecticide (on sale here!).
  • Aphid: they are parasites of about 0,5cm that feed mainly on the newest leaves and flower buds. They cause loss of color in the affected area and, in severe cases, favor the appearance of the bold fungus or sooty mold. This, although it cannot cause the death of the plant, weakens it a lot.
    It can be controlled by putting yellow adhesive chromatic traps near the Water Stick (for sale here!).
  • Septoria: it is a fungus that produces grayish-brown spots on the leaves. It is treated with a systemic fungicide.
Chromatic pest traps

Related article:

Prevention of pests in plants

Burned water stick

You may also have these other problems:

  • Appearance of brown spots: it was probably cold. It must be protected from temperatures below 12ºC.
  • Fall of leaves: if they have yellow edges and brown tips, it is because it needs water; On the other hand, if the lower ones fall and are apparently healthy, it is because it has been exposed to sudden changes in temperature (from the nursery to the house, for example). It is not a serious problem: it will acclimatize on its own.
  • Leaves with dry tips: it can be for several reasons: low humidity, excess heat or lack of water. You should water a little more and avoid exposing it to drafts.
  • Yellow and limp leaves: excess watering. The substrate must be allowed to dry between waterings. Generally, it will be watered about three times a week in summer and every 3-4 days the rest of the year.
  • Leaves remain small and deformed: lack of fertilizer. It must be paid in spring and summer with a liquid fertilizer following the instructions specified on the packaging.
  • Stem rot: excess watering. It can also be from cold. It is recommended to cut to the chase, impregnate the base with rooting hormones and plant it in a pot with a very porous substrate, such as pomx or black peat mixed with perlite in equal parts.
  • Loss of leaf color: lack of light and / or fertilizer. It must be taken to a brighter room and paid regularly.
  • Brown burns on the leaves: it has been exposed to the sun directly. It must be kept away from the sun and from the windows.
Palo de Brasil is a very popular houseplant

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How to revive a Brazilian stick?

Is the Water Stick bad luck?

According to Feng Shui, there are a number of plants that attract good or bad luck. In the case of Palo de Agua, It is one of those that is said to attract good luck to those who move, start a new business, or embark on a new path in their lives.

Do not hesitate and buy a water stick or log from Brazil.

Caring for the Water Stick

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