How to grow a giant sequoia

Group of Sequoia sempervirens

When we talk about Sequoias, conifers that reach impressive heights, of more than 80 meters, that can live for more than 3 years, immediately come to mind. Due to their characteristics, they are not exactly great garden plants, at least not for just any one, but as they have such a slow growth rate, it is worth having the experience of seeing them germinate.

But How to grow a giant sequoia? What does it take for this amazing tree to thrive?

Things you need to grow the Sequoia

Plastic tupperware

Sequoias are conifers that, in order to germinate, need to be cold for 2 or 3 months, otherwise they will not thrive. If we want to have our own copies, we have to get hold of:

  • Clear Plastic Tupperware with Lid
  • Gravel-shaped volcanic greda, akadama, kiryuzuna or similar substrates
  • Black peat or mulch
  • Perlite
  • Copper or sulfur, to prevent the appearance of fungi
  • Sprayer with water
  • Fridge
  • Flower pot
  • Secuoia seeds

How are redwood seeds sown?

Once we have the seeds at home, the first thing we will do is put them in a glass of water and keep them there for 24 hours. This will hydrate them, which will help them germinate faster. The next day, we have to fill the tupperware with akadama, kiryuzuna or some similar substrate, place the seeds on the surface, and cover them with a thin layer of peat or mulch.

Then, you just have to sprinkle it with copper or sulfur, and moisten it well with a water spray. You got it? Close the tupperware and keep it in the fridge (in the section of sausages, milk, etc.) to 6th for three months. For everything to go well, it is advisable to open it once a week, so the air will be renewed.

After that time, the seeds must be sown in a pot or seedling tray outside, in semi-shade, with a peat-based substrate mixed with 30% perlite. The first little plants will see the light after one or two months.

Sequoiadendron giant plant

Image –

Have a good planting!

How to grow a giant sequoia

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