How to prevent and eliminate weeds organically

How to eliminate weeds

When spring comes, many people start to cultivate their orchards or gardens and in a short time their crops come alive and it is necessary to start with remove weedssince these are a constant problem in them.

Its control must be a continuous work if you want to have a garden, an orchard or a terrace that does not seem neglected.

Organic maintenance

The best home remedies for weeds

When we hear the word herbicides the first thing that comes to mind are chemicals.

It seems as if in recent years we have become used to herbicides having to be a poison. There are homemade alternatives to commercial herbicides that are not toxic for the environment, for our pets and not for our crops in the garden.

They can be performed organic control and prevention techniques simply by tilling the land with a scaffold at the beginning of the planting season.

You can also improve the weed problem by installing drip irrigation and covering flower beds (fern or flower gardens) with pine bark or gravel. If a anti grass mesh you’ll keep weeds at bay for a good season.

The best home remedies for weeds

Oddly enough, boiling water is a powerful herbicide, so put a pot with tap water and heat it to the boiling point, then you should water it very carefully on weeds you want to delete.

This is an effective way to eliminate unwanted plants that appear on patios, driveways, and sidewalks. You have to be very careful because if it is placed in places where there are other plants it will kill them instantly and this includes underground roots of nearby vegetables.

If we want no type of plant to grow in an area, we just have to add salt, since this solution is perfect if we have a tiled path in our garden and we do not want herbs to grow in the middle. We will have to renew the salt from time to time but in this way we will have the assurance that nothing of anything will grow there, neither good nor bad.

Vinegar in any of its varieties, be it apple, wine or cider, will work as a powerful herbicide And is that if we mix a liter and a half of vinegar with the juice of a lemon and a tablespoon of dish soap and spray the weeds with a sprayer, we will obtain a good result.

All of the above will be more effective if the day is quite sunny.

Corn flour is the best herbicide for our garden and if you spread it on the ground, it acts as a kind of birth control with the seeds, therefore nothing will grow under it, so it is best to wait for your seeds to germinate to ensure that the cornmeal does not harm your plantation.

You pluck the weeds and spread the flour, this way you make sure that you will not have to remove more weeds.

Weeds can be suffocated with several sheets of newspaper placed on the area where we want to eliminate them, since the absence of sun will prevent them from germinating. Also we can put old rugs directly in the field at the end of the summer and leave them there until it is time to plant.

The best time to remove weeds

The best time to remove weeds is in spring and summer

The best time to remove weeds is in the spring and summer before the plant’s seed growth occurs.

There is another method called thermal weeding, using gas burners causing them a heat shock that causes them death. This technique is recommended in winter.

If we are governed by the lunar phases it is better do the job on a waning moonWe can even use any tool we have on hand to clean the ground or terrain, from a rake to an old kitchen knife.

How to prevent and eliminate weeds organically

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