Delonix regia seeds

Seeds of Delonix direction (flamboyant)

There are a number of plants that have seeds so hard that if they were sown directly it could take months or even years before they germinate. One of the best known is the flamboyan, a beautiful tree native to Madagascar, widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions, but there are others such as the Ceratonia siliqua (carob tree) or Albizia that will also need a little help to germinate.

How do you get that? Very easy. I will explain to you below how to scarify seedsa very simple method that will allow you to have new plants in less time.

What do I need to scarify seeds?


To scarify your seeds, that is, to cause micro-cuts through which water can enter which will hydrate them, you need the following:

  • Sandpaper: a small piece will suffice.
  • Absorbent cloth or paper cooking.
  • A glass of water: if it’s rainy, better, but if you can’t get it, it can be from the tap.
  • And of course the seeds.

You got it? Well now you can go to step by step.

How do they scarify?

Custard apple seeds

Cherimoya seeds.

Now that you have it all It is time to move on to the step by step which is the following:

  1. First, place the sandpaper on a flat, solid surface, like a table for example.
  2. Now, take the seed by one end, and rub its other end against the sandpaper. Apply a little pressure, I repeat, just a little.
  3. Swipe it two or three times until you see that it changes color.
  4. Then, clean it with a cloth and put it in a glass of water for 24 hours.
  5. The next day, you can sow it in a pot with growing medium for plants.
  6. Lastly, enjoy watching her germinate, something she’ll probably do in a month or so.

Easy right?

I hope it has been useful to you.