Oak Leaf (Quercus) Characteristics and How to Identify Them

The Oak is a tree with great bearing, majestic and can reach 50 meters in height.

The Oak is a tall, majestic tree that can reach 50 meters in height, belongs to the fagacea family, and is classified in the section of Quercuswhat are the white oaks of Europe, Western Asia, South America and North AmericaMexico being one of the countries with the largest number of specimens.

Oak Leaf Characteristics

Oak fruit are acorns that ripen after six months

The fruit of oak are acorns They mature at six months and have a mixed sweet to slightly bitter taste. The leaves are large, simple and lack a majority of bristles in their lobes, which are usually rounded and serrated.

The trunk is short and very thick, its bark is usually smooth in young specimens and it cracks as the years go by. It is a long-lived tree being able to exceed a thousand years.

Thanks to the shape of its leaves, oak species are easy to identify when they have foliage and is that, for example, the hairless leaves, they have a dark green upper surface and the reverse is somewhat more bluish. It has female and male flowers, you can also see protrusions called galls, which are secretions that the tree itself generates to protect itself when it is parasitized by various insects.

It is possible to distinguish the leaves according to the following steps:

  1. The leaves usually have a symmetrical distribution around a well-defined midline.
  2. Observe the tip of the lobe if it is rounded, that is the part of the leaf that extends from the center to each side.
  3. Measure the indentations of each leaf and see if the clefts are moderately deep and the nerves well marked.
  4. Measure the size of the leaves if they are large about 6 to 12 cm long by 3 to 6 cm wide.

Uses of Oak Leaf

They produce a very hard wood, with well-marked growth rings, quite heavy and resistant to humidity, that is why since the time of the Greeks They are used in shipbuilding.

Oak wood is considered the best for barrels of wines, whiskey, cognac and sherry. It is also used to make furniture, tools to work in the plows and fields.

The bark, fruits and leaves are used in philotherapy, thanks to the tannins that the bark has, such as gallic acid, ellagic, contains flavonoids and pectin. Has astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties

The bark as an infusion cures vomiting and sputum of blood, menses, diarrhea and exophthalmic goiter, also is given to drink as an antivenom of something toxic.

Chewing young oak twigs, serves to strengthen gums and teeth and as a rinse, improves the hemorrhoid sufferingchilblains, eczema and varicose ulcers.

How to prepare an Oak leaf tea

Two teaspoons of the well-chopped leaves are mixed with ¼ liter of water, placed on the fire and after it reaches a boil, cook for another 5 minutes. Strain and drink warm twice a day.

For disorders of the mouth, gums, throat and pharynx such as aphonia, canker sores, tonsillitis and bleeding gums, rinse and gargle should be done with the warm oak tea.

To make dressings for inflammations, skin ulcers and chilblains, the same is prepared, but it is important that the bandage is permeable and looseshould not be covered with plastic.

Contraindications of Oak leaves

Contraindications of Oak leaves

Oak leaf remedies are contraindicated in cases of:

Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It should not be taken by children under 6 years of age.

For their allergenic componentsis contraindicated for asthmatic people

In cases of digestive ulcers since tannins can aggravate it, irritating the gastric and intestinal mucosa.

For people who suffer from constipation, the tannin content in oak can aggravate this condition.

Oak Leaf (Quercus) Characteristics and How to Identify Them

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