Ideal care and some types of indoor flowers

indoor flowers

There are people who like to have flowers indoors or in work offices. This practice of introducing plants indoors is something that is being seen more and more. This is because plants improve our quality of life. They offer us better air, cleaner, fresher, they offer us some stability in the midst of our busy lives and the bustle of the street. They grow at their own pace and, sometimes, give us inner peace.

Since indoor plants are those that are grown indoors and are capable of growing and surviving in our environment, we have to know which ones are best for our home.

What makes a houseplant special?

indoor flowers

The first thing is its flowers. They are usually ornamental, very showy and contribute to a good decoration in the home. They require very little daylight to survive and even this light cannot be direct, because for many of these species it can be harmful, especially in summer (their leaves in long periods of exposure to the sun can burn).

If when buying a plant for the interior, you see that its leaves are very green, is more likely to be successful, that is, it is more resistant to less favorable environmental conditions. The species that stand out for having more vivid colors are those that need the greatest amount of light possible.

Ideal conditions for an indoor plant

direct sun on the houseplant

Indoor plants need care and certain environmental conditions in order to survive well.

  • The first thing a plant needs is a comfortable temperature. Normally this temperature is around between 15 ° and 25 °.
  • Another factor to take into account is the humidity in the environment. This is a more difficult factor to regulate. It depends on the city we live in, the area, the climate, the weather at that time, the ventilation in the house, etc. The necessary thing for the plants to survive in their ideal conditions is to keep it between 20% and 60%depending on each species.
  • The size of the pot is very important for the development of the plant. It doesn’t have to be too big or too small. It has to be suitable for the size it is and change it from a pot to a larger one when necessary.
  • Of course, pests can also occur at home. It is true that if we have few plants indoors, it is very unlikely that a pest will proliferate, however, it can happen. That is why it is highly recommended and necessary to have good control over pests.
  • Let’s not forget that plants, even if they are indoor, they need light. They need it to carry out the photosynthesis process. Without this natural process, they cannot grow. Although each plant requires a different amount of light, they all need something. Before exposing a plant to light (especially if it is direct), we must inform ourselves when buying it, since each one has a different need.
  • Depending on the size of the plant, we will need fertilizers to be able to nourish the plant in an artificial way, since the nutrients in the earth end up being depleted.

Types of plants to place in your home


azalea as a houseplant

The azalea is one of the most showy indoor flowers due to its striking color and its number of flowers. In principle, this is an outdoor plant, but giving it some basic care we can have it in any corner of the house. In addition, if we take good care of it, we can enjoy its flowers throughout the year. Normally, its time in which it usually blooms is in late winter and early spring.

It is a plant that in a pot usually measures about 50 centimeters. Its flowers are bell-shaped and we can find it in different colors such as orange, red, white, etc. Although the most common of all is pink. To be able to keep all your flowers well, it needs to be watered numerous times and always kept very humid, but without stagnating the water on the ground. The water that we will use for irrigation must be previously decalcified (the ideal water to water the plants is rainwater). We will be able to know that the water with which we irrigate has too much lime if we observe some flowers that turn a more yellowish color. They must be located in a place where there is a lot of light, but without it reaching you directly.


gardenias give a good scent for the home

The famous gardenias are native to China and are similar to roses. They have quite fleshy and white flowers. Inside it has a cream color. It is quite aromatic for the interiors since they give off a pleasant smell. When you have a visitor, apart from the fact that it is a quite decorative flower, it will intoxicate the guests with a pleasant aroma.

In order to take good care of it, it is convenient to have it in places where do not give it direct light for a long period of time. But it is recommended that it be fed from direct light on some occasions, but for a short time. Unlike azalea, they do not require much watering, as they will wilt. What they do need is to have a moist environment and soil. As they do not withstand low temperatures well, it is best to have them sheltered in winter so that the flowers do not burn because of the cold.


poinsettias are the flowers that are given at Christmas

Of course, the poinsettia could not be missing. The so-called pascuero, It is the typical plant that is given at Christmas to bring luck to the house.

This is a fairly delicate indoor plant, that is why when buying it and taking it home, it must be wrapped in plastic that protects it from sudden changes in temperature. Once at home, we have to place it in places that are not very hot and that are not exposed to drafts. The ideal temperature for the poinsettia is about 20 °. As for its irrigation, it is only enough to spray the leaves or put a plate of water under the plant for fifteen minutes and remove it. These plants don’t need a lot of watering and they tend to wilt quickly.

Normally, people, when Christmas is over, get rid of the poinsettias either because Christmas is over, or because they are deteriorating. However, with care and care, it can be kept all year round. As long as there are no frosts or very low temperatures, we can keep them in the garden. It is best to cover them in the coldest hours with a plastic so that the plant is not the one that resists the cold directly.

These have been some of the plants that we can place in our homes. Having plants in a home can bring us numerous advantages such as reducing stress, generating a feeling of well-being, leveling the humidity and purity of the air, etc.

Ideal care and some types of indoor flowers

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