Aloe Vera Special Care | Gardening On

Aloe Vera brown

Have a plant Aloe vera It is really interesting, not only because it is an attractive plant to look at, but because of its many virtues. Aloe Vera juice is very beneficial for health as it is a plant with great medicinal properties. It is also possible to pass the leaves over the body to improve some skin reactions.

For all this is that many people have an Aloe Vera plant at home. Although it is not a difficult plant to care for, it is important to pay attention to its development because from time to time certain disorders may appear. If you notice that Aloe Vera leaves turn brown is that the plant is in trouble, it is the first sign that you have to check everything related to the plant.

You can tell when a plant is healthy just by looking at it: the leaves should look green and the stems firm, unless it is in a phase of change due to a new season. If you register that the Aloe Vera plant has brown leaves maybe you can check some questions.

Soil, irrigation and fertilization of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera

The best soil for Aloe Vera It is one that is rich in nutrients and porous, so it is advisable to add a little sand or perlite to achieve this. It is also important that the plant lives in a soil with good drainage as it is not a moisture resistant plant but needs a soil that can evacuate the water so that it does not accumulate. In this sense, it helps to have a wide and shallow pot. If you are looking for a pot for Aloe Vera, choose one of these characteristics over a small, deep pot.

We were talking about a soil rich in nutrients and that is why among the Aloe Vera care Compost occupies a place of importance. Use worm humus to enrich the soil and for the plant to obtain the necessary nutrients to live in optimal conditions.

To complete the picture, you have to check the watering if the plant does not look good. If Aloe Vera is not a friend of humidity, then the watering must be spaced every 15 or 20 days to prevent the plant from rotting. And even when watering sporadically but residual, try to do it with little water and avoiding that it touches the plant, pouring it directly on the ground. You can go testing and seeing the results by observing the plant because if you notice that the leaves become thin and somewhat wrinkled, it is an indication that you have to increase the irrigation a little because the plant is lacking water.

Aloe Vera and the exterior

Aloe Vera Leaves

Aloe Vera needs to live in a place with natural light, so if the leaves turn brown, try changing the plant so that it receives the best possible light but paying attention that the leaves do not burn. In some cases, having it in partial shade works, especially when the sun is too strong.

During winter, the plant must also be sheltered as the Aloe Vera is not frost resistant or low temperatures. You can move it indoors to place it near a window or protect it with plastic or something similar.

Aloe Vera Special Care | Gardening On

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