Cultivation and care of the Coral Tree

Erythrina caffra

The Coral Treewhose scientific name is Erythrina caffraIt is an ideal tree to give a tropical touch to gardens with frosts down to -4º. With its beautiful orange flowers, in addition to its usefulness as plant for shade, make this species a very good option to have in your home. So if you want to know more about it, keep reading.

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Erythrina caffra

The Coral Tree is native to southern Africa. Its leaves are trifoliate, that is, with 3 well differentiated leaflets, dark green in color. It is deciduous, loses its leaves in winter, but reawakens in spring. The cup has something parasolated as you can see in the picture above, which makes you can sit under its shade in summer and read, or have a picnic with the family. It grows to an approximate height of 10 meters, but in cultivation it does not usually exceed 6m.

It is a tree that must be protected from strong windsbecause its wood is brittle, in addition to intense frosts. If it is a young specimen, it is highly recommended that it also be protected from the cold. For the rest, it is not a demanding species as long as it has light all day and is watered frequently.

Erythrina caffra

It reproduces by seedswhich can be sanded a little and then soaked 24 hours with water at room temperature. If they are freshly picked from the tree, they can be sown directly into a seedbed. It needs warm temperatures to germinate, that is why its sowing time is in spring; in summer they could be sown if you live in a warm climate, without frost. We must place the seedbed in a sunny exposure, and apply fungicide from time to time as a prevention.

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Cultivation and care of the Coral Tree

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