Garden paths

There are many reasons for design paths in the garden and one of the most important refers to the possibility of creating areas in the garden, something that works very well when the total area is not too large. The sectors help to make the garden look bigger as long as you do not abuse the tricks. Too many objects or too many paths can end up creating the opposite optical illusion.

Types of trails and roads

The range of paths and paths in the garden it is wide considering the materials you can use. If you want a path that is easy to take care of and that does not require much maintenance, it may be best to think of stone. Depending on the type of stone, the total cost. There are large and rustic stones that are expensive while the flagstone is cheaper. The pebble is an easy and inexpensive alternative that also requires almost no care.

If you have a Zen garden you can think of a wooden path. In this case, you can play with the design with the possibility of making different patterns on the path according to whether you use wooden slats, rustic lumber, or circular logs cut into sheets. These paths are really nice and cozy, although they require more care since the wood must be maintained year after year so that it does not deteriorate.

Garden path

In recent times I have also seen many brick paths and I like them very much because it has the virtue of combining the practicality of a material that does not require too much care with a certain natural air.

Many options

You can also think of create paths with gravel, cobblestones, chaff, volcanic rocks, and concrete when thinking about him trail and path design. There are endless options depending on the style of garden you want to design and also the time you have to give your way the necessary care to keep it in good condition. Materials like wood require more care than others like gravel. In addition, you should think about the budget you have before starting the work.

Garden paths