White water lilies

The White water lilies It is a beautiful aquatic plant that produces flowers of a white color that attracts a lot of attention. It does not need much care to be perfect, since in fact it will only be necessary to find a good place in the pond where it can be contemplated in all its splendor.

So if you want to have a copy, do not hesitate to continue reading to know everything about her.

Origin and characteristics

Our protagonist is a plant whose scientific name is White water lilies and which is popularly known as white water lily, water lily, European escutcheon, white golfán, white aguape or Venus rose. It is native to Europefound in all countries, and also in the north of Africa.

Its leaves are floating, round in shape, and leathery in texture. The flowers are solitary, hermaphroditic, and are white to pinkish.. The fruit is an achene, which is a dry fruit whose seed is not attached to the pericarp (the part that covers it).

How do you take care of yourself?

If you are determined to get a copy, we recommend you follow our advice:

  • Location: in full sun, in a pond whose depth is between 40 to 100cm. It can also be planted in a flexible rubber bucket (like this).
  • Multiplication:
    • Seeds: direct sowing in a glass with water during spring-summer with universal growing substrate.
    • Division: in spring. The plant is extracted and the rhizome is cleaned. Then, you just have to cut it into pieces with roots and plant them in a pot or in other areas of the pond.
  • Subscriber: during the warm months of the year it is highly advisable to add a handful of bone meal (you can get it here!) once a month.
  • Rusticity: withstands cold and frosts down to -10ºC.

White water lily flower

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