
The amaranth is an outdoor plant that you can grow at home. Some of its varieties are edible and that is why they are also sold in health food stores and natural products but today I invite you to plant it in some corner of the home so that you have fresh amaranth without intermediaries.


Amaranth is a plant that belongs to the family of Amaranthaceae and it is a annual plant which is also used for ornamental purposes given its exquisite inflorescence. Its leaves are similar to those of the spinach plant and can reach a large size so it will be necessary to think about where to place it taking this characteristic into account.


But also the amaranth plant is very hardy so that is another virtue because it supports cold and dry climates as well as poor soils and frequent rains.

There different varieties of amaranth and the differences are noticed above all in the morphology of the inflorescences. One of the edible varieties is Kiwichawidely used in Latin American cuisine as it is originally from Peru.


Plant reproduction

As an annual plant, amaranth dies every year but it leaves behind a large number of seeds that will be the germ of future plants. Sowing them then will not be difficult because it will be enough to collect them at the end of flowering and then germinate them and thus have new plants.