How to grow blue orchids

Blue orchids

Have you ever fallen in love with a flower? If so, it is likely that you will do it again with our protagonist today; and if not, if you like uncommon, rare flowers, it will surely be your first time. And no, I’m not kidding.

These plants are already beautiful. In fact, there are those who consider them to be the most elegant in the world. But since its flowers have a different color, their ornamental value only increases. So let’s learn how to grow blue orchids and decorate any room in the home with them.

blue flowers

There will be those who think, and for good reason, that these beautiful flowers cannot be natural. And they are right. To get them to bloom in this beautiful color, what they do is inject them with a dye on the rods flowers. Most likely, the new flowers will be white, but in the meantime… let’s enjoy the blue ones. But for this reason it is important not to be fooled by the seeds because, if they germinated, we would not obtain orchids with blue flowers.

This beautiful plant belongs to the genus of Phalaenopsisalso known as the »butterfly orchid» because the distribution of its petals, once opened, are reminiscent of a butterfly. The cultivation and maintenance is not easy, as it requires a high humidity and a very porous substrate to retain the water for the minimum time possible, otherwise the roots could rot.


Thus, the ideal substrate can be, simply, Pine bark that you will find for sale in nurseries and garden stores. Don’t forget to plant it in a clear plastic pot that has drainage holes. Watering is very simple, as you just have to wait for the roots to look white. It will be given rain, osmosis or distilled water.

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How to grow blue orchids

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