Nelumbo nucifera

Have you ever wondered what is the meaning of the lotus flower? It is a very beautiful flower, one of the most requested to have in the pond in our garden. But why? Its beauty is undeniable, but what is behind its beautiful petals?

You will find these and other answers here, in this article dedicated to one of the most beautiful water flowers that we can find in nature.

Yellow lotus

The Lotus Flower is synonymous with spiritual purity. In fact, it is very common for Buddhists to associate this flower with the Buddha himself, since he, as we know, reached enlightenment, leaving behind all desires, elevating his spirit. There is a Buddhist legend that says that when Buddha took his first steps as a child, lotus flowers bloomed. Thus, in many Asian peoples the lotus is a sacred flower and therefore protected.

If we talk about the classical literature of many Asian cultures, we see how the lotus flower is the representation of the elegance, perfection, purity or the grace. Also, each color has a different meaning. For example:

Nuciferous nests cv Kinrinren

So now you know, choose your lotus flower (or flowers) according to its meaning to have a very special pond. Oh, and by the way, did you know that her flowers are scented with a pleasant aroma? They will certainly make your garden look spectacular.

Enjoy your plants with your loved ones while the lotus flower is in charge of helping you keep calm and see life calmly.