Roses made with orange peel

roses made with orange peel

Now that it’s time to orangeswe can take advantage of the skin of this vitamin bomb C full of excellent natural properties, to make Crafts. It is very simple because it is very flexible and when it dries, it leaves a great aroma wherever you place it. These roses made with orange peel have caught my attention, a great idea for decor natural and a great source of creativity in accessories artisanal

Some time ago I gave my sister-in-law, whom I love the most, a ring made with one of these roses. What a hit. I bought it from an artisan. And I was very surprised by its texture, it was like leather, very beautiful. It was varnished with clear nail lacquer once dry. The rose was glued to itself and, in turn, also glued to the ring.

It seemed like a great idea. And now I have seen how these roses are made live. And it is very very simple.

how to make roses with orange peel

You only need a knife or a vegetable peeler, some scissors and a orange.

You peel her trying to take the minimal white skin inside and leaving a single long strip.

Once you have the strip the roll up on itself, cutting the excess part with the scissors if necessary (if you have made a very long or very wide strip. You will see it as you roll).

If you are going to use it as aromatic centeryou leave it dry

off in an airy place. And you already have it.

If you are going to use them as a creative element (to accessoriesfor example), you can dye it with food coloring before it dries. Then you let it dry. And it is once dry when you can varnish or apply glue.

costume jewelery with orange peel

More information -Properties of vitamin C

Source photos –,

Roses made with orange peel

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