Characteristics and necessary care of Dendrobium nobile

Decoration with Dendrobium nobile

Among both indoor and outdoor decoration plants, the Orchids. A well-known type of orchid is the The noble dendrobium. It is an orchid that belongs to the Dedrobium genus and is sold in any garden center. They are very easy to care for, although it requires some aspects to take into account and its flowering is very beautiful. It is used very frequently for ornamentation both indoors and outdoors.

We explain all the characteristics of The noble dendrobium and the care you need.

Key features

Pot with Dendrobium nobile

Although they offer good flowering, they are not well understood by inexperienced gardeners. It is necessary to know well the care it needs to take advantage of its full ornamental potential. Despite what is thought, orchids need a period of rest in which they lose their leaves. This does not mean that the plant has died or is diseased. It is only part of its phenology.

The orchid The noble dendrobium it is a type of white cane epiphyte. There are those that have the hardest reed and others that are softer. Those that have a hard cane differ from the others in that the leaves do not lose them in the resting season. On the contrary, they offer floral rods that appear in the upper part of the stem. On the other hand, those of soft cane if they lose their leaves and flower from the stem.

It is normal that during flowering bloom in groups of 2 to 3 large flowers. They are usually somewhat more scented. The good thing is that they cover the stem completely so that you can hardly see it. This gives it a more attractive value when decorating.

Orchid care The noble dendrobium

Orchid flowers

As we have mentioned before, it is not a difficult plant to care for, but various aspects must be taken into account so that it can develop as well as possible. They are tropical plants that grow in quite specific environments, so we have to try to match the same conditions so that they feel at home.

The The noble dendrobium It belongs to the group of orchids that thrive in a cooler and more temperate environment. In the garden they can be perfectly if the climate maintains normal temperatures between 10 and 30 degrees. As long as it is in this temperature environment, it will be perfectly conditioned. Some claim that it is able to withstand some lower temperatures but less frequently.

They need good lighting throughout the year. Thus, the ideal thing is to place them in the light of the sun. If we want the flowers to grow well and very colorful, it is important that the sun feeds them for as long as possible. We can do this in the coldest season. When spring and summer arrive and the temperatures are higher, we must avoid direct sunlight or it can harm the flowers. At this time of year it is best to keep the plant in semi-shade.

During the period they have to rest, it is ideal to find a place inside the house where it can receive enough lighting but without direct sun. It is best to put it close to the advantages. To know if you are getting the correct light you need, we will have to look at your sheets. If they are dark green, they are receiving less light than they need. The indicator that you are going overboard with the light and you can even damage it is that it has yellowish leaves.

Temperature and irrigation

Dendrobium nobile detail

As we have said before, you need an optimal temperature between 10 and 30 degrees. In this temperature range it is the one that is most comfortable. Although it is able to withstand lower temperatures, it is better not to risk that they can suffer and not bloom well.

In the fall and winter months, the temperature should move in ranges between 10 and 15 degrees at night and 20 degrees during the day. This temperature is great so that the plant can survive without problems. In addition, to this we must add that, since it needs a large amount of light, it will be protected from the cold with the sun’s rays. In order for you to develop flower buds, the difference between day and night temperatures must be 8 degrees. It is the optimal range for good growth.

As the months of February pass and March arrives, it begins the flowering season and night temperatures should be around 17 degrees. If these temperatures do not occur as we are mentioning, the The noble dendrobium it will not have its flowering stage. Instead of the pretty flowers we are looking for, they will give us large amounts of keikis. These keikis are small rooted cuttings. Obviously not what we expected.

When it comes to watering, during the warmest time of summer and spring, orchids need more water. In this time we will increase the frequency of irrigation. The substrate has to be partially dry to be able to water again. This usually happens once a week. Therefore, you do not have to worry too much about watering. On the other hand, in autumn and winter, we will have to reduce watering. The normal thing is to water it once every three weeks.

Humidity and fertilizer

Dendrobium nobile flowers

The waterings in winter help to maintain a good state of humidity that is sufficient so that the plant does not wilt completely. In his time of rest, it will lose all the leaves and go to complete rest. It will still need enough water to survive and spring to bloom again.

Irrigation should always be done in the morning with warm and rainy water. Filtered water also works. In case of not having this water, we can use bottled water that has few mineral salts. It is advisable to keep the humidity at values ​​between 40 and 80%. The higher the temperature, the greater the need for ambient humidity the plant needs.

For the compost, just pay once every 15 days from mid-summer to fall. The rest of the year you don’t need anything.

I hope that with these tips you can enjoy your The noble dendrobium and its beautiful flowers.

Characteristics and necessary care of Dendrobium nobile

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