Orchis papilionacea: how do you take care of the butterfly orchid?

Orchis papilionacea flower

Image – Flickr / Alberto Garcia

Have you ever seen a plant like this? Its flowers open in such a particular way that it looks like a butterfly; in fact, that’s one of its common names: butterfly orchid.

It is of terrestrial habits, and I tell you that it is capable of resisting frosts (weak, yes); so if you are tired of orchids dying, stay with me so I can tell you all about the Orchis papilionaceae.

Origin and characteristics

Orchis papilionacea in habitat

Image – Flickr / Alberto Garcia Quesada

The Orchis papilionaceaknown as the butterfly orchid, red lilies, boy’s grass or orchid, is a tubercular plant native to the Mediterranean region. It reaches a total height -including the floral stem- of about 20 to 40cm. Its leaves are oblong, about 8cm long, with dark purple spots.

The flowers are grouped in erect spikes with an oblong shape, which comes out of the center of the rosette of leaves, and are pink or whitish depending on the variety. Flowers from March to June in the northern hemisphere.


The flour from its tubers, called salep, is nutritious plus, medicinal since it is used for when you have an irritated gastrointestinal canal. Of course, it is also a very ornamental.

What are their cares?

Orchis papilionacea flower

Image – Flickr / afilitos

If you want to have a copy, we recommend that you provide it with the following care:

  • Location: outside, in full sun or partial shade.
  • Earth:
    • Garden: adapts to all types of soils, but prefers calcareous ones.
    • Pot: universal growing substrate.
  • Irrigation: 4-5 times a week in summer, somewhat less often the rest of the year.
  • Subscriber: in spring and summer, with specific fertilizers for orchids following the indications specified on the packaging.
  • Multiplication: by seeds in spring.
  • Pruning: dry leaves and wilted flowers must be removed with scissors previously disinfected with pharmacy alcohol or a few drops of dishwasher.
  • Rusticity: resists weak frosts down to -4ºC.

What did you think of Orchis papilionacea? It’s pretty, right? Of course, it is easier to care than tropical orchids .

Orchis papilionacea: how do you take care of the butterfly orchid?

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