Characteristics, care and properties of chamomile

Chamomile or chamomile

Today we are going to talk about a plant whose cultivation and care are quite rewarding. It’s about chamomile. Its scientific name is noble chameleon and it is also known by the common name chamomile. It is widely used for its medicinal properties. Its origin takes place in the Mediterranean and belongs to the Asteraceae family.

If you want to learn all its properties and how to grow it, keep reading because in this post you will be able to know all its characteristics and needs.

Key features

Chamomile characteristics

It is an aromatic and annual herbaceous species whose stem is quite erect. It is capable of measuring up to 50 cm tall when it reaches its maximum growth. The leaves are pinnate, alternate and segmented. They have a small layer of hair.

In the summer time it has an inflorescence formed by yellow flowers that are surrounded by white ligules and a yellow carnelian. The fruits of chamomile are called cylindrical achenes. They are only 1mm in diameter.

To pollinate, this plant needs help from insects such as wasps, bees, and ants. ANDis capable of self-pollination, although it is more common to use insects for it. This plant is often confused with Roman or bitter chamomile. However, this one has the most creeping stem and less height.

Only the flowers are used from the chamomile. They are the ones that have medicinal properties. Once the flower part is developed it can be collected. The day the flowers open is when it is best to pick them up. This is due to the fact that its components are more active and have a greater quantity. When they have already been harvested, they are stored in the shade to dry and in a ventilated place.

So that the plant does not suffer or degrade, it is recommended to prune it once the flowers have been collected.

Medicinal properties

Chamomile is frequently used for its medicinal properties. It is used for both external and internal uses. We are going to start by describing the internal uses.

Internal uses of chamomile

Internal properties of chamomile

It is generally used by taking infusions. It is the most popular use of all.

  • Digestive problems. Thanks to its digestive properties, it is used so that our digestive system improves its performance and does not cause problems. To do this, it is taken as an infusion after the largest meals. Thus, digestion will be made lighter. With its carmitative properties, it helps us to release gases.
  • Gastritis and ulcers. It has anti-inflammatory properties that helps with these intestinal problems. In addition, it has the ability to repair and protect the gastric membrane.
  • Take care of the liver. Thanks to chamomile, our liver can better expel bile.
  • Induce vomiting When we are over the stomach, chamomile helps us to vomit and free ourselves from what is harming us. They also calm the nerves in the stomach.
  • It is good to regulate vaginal flows and the periodicity of menstruation.
  • It is effective against nerves and insomnia.
  • Fluid retention and obesity. It is a plant that eliminates fluids in the body. It is interesting to use it in overweight people.
  • It helps to eliminate fats in the blood to fight cholesterol.

External uses of chamomile

Chamomile cream

Chamomile cream

This plant is not only used by means of infusions. It can also be applied externally to benefit from all its properties.

  • Natural eye drops. When you have conjunctivitis, taking a chamomile bath is a good option. It is able to relieve pain and fight against tired eyes.
  • Skin problems When there are pimples, wounds, dermatitis or blisters, chamomile is very good to alleviate these problems. This can be done thanks to its mucilages.
  • Pain treatment. When we have joint or back pain, it is common to use chamomile oil made with base oil and a few drops of chamomile essential oil. For people who have a toothache, infusions can be used to make rinses.

Chamomile cultivation

Chamomile cultivation

You need some care for your harvest to be optimal. There are several techniques to make your cultivation the best it can be: The first thing is the date of your planting. This plant offers the advantage that it is annual, so we can always sow it. Loose but moistened soil is needed. The seeds should be placed at a depth equivalent to three of their size. If you bury it too deep, it will not germinate.

The watering has to be with enough care and a certain regularity to favor its growth. In about 15 days, it will start to sprout. In order for it to develop well, it needs a substrate with good drainage. This helps keep them from caking. The soil should not be very rich in organic matter, so adding compost is completely optional.

As for the climate, it is better that the temperatures are temperate. When it is colder it is advisable to protect them from wind and frost. Need direct sunlight. It is better to be in a good space and better if it is sunny.

To water it, it is better to water it less than more. Chamomile is more resistant to drought than excess water. It can be watered by dripping or by placing some trays under them. In this way, the plant will be able to incorporate the water as it needs it.

Essential care

Chamomile care

In order for our chamomile to be in the best condition, you need to follow some tips in its care. The first thing is the compost. When they are young specimens between four and six weeks old, they should be fertilized with a little slow-release fertilizer. As they grow, they leave behind some wilted flowers. Must be pruned once they have flowered to favor the new flowering.

To avoid damaging the plant, its harvest must be carried out at the end of the summer season or before the first frost falls. We remember that they are not good at withstanding the lowest temperatures. To protect them, all branches must be completely removed before they turn yellow.

The plant should not be placed near others as the seeds are very easily dispersed and can invade other pots.. The ideal depth of the pot should be between 20-30 cm.

With these tips you can perfectly take care of your chamomile and enjoy all its benefits.

Characteristics, care and properties of chamomile

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