How to plant Astrantia Major or Astrancia?

Astrantia Major

The Astrance it is a herbaceous plant with a lot of aroma and that belongs to the family of apiaceaea plant commonly found in Central European areas and in the Southeastern areas of the Caucasus.

It is commonly known by the name of Astrancia, Cortusa or also as Saniculus female, this being a characteristic plant for having a appearance rustic and who can also have a height of approximately one meter highwith about 60 centimeters wide and is that the Astrancia is one of the varieties that can adapt much better being under sea water.

Astrantia plantation

This is a plant that has rhizomes and the stems are foliated, a plant that in many ages has been used for therapies in medicineeven also as a laxative and purgative through infusions. Also has uses in the florist areaso that people can make bouquets of flowers that are exotic.

Moreover has a fairly straight stemwhich at the same time has a limited number of branches, giving its flowers in large quantity and they can be found in white or it is also pink. Many years ago, this was a plant that was I knew by the name of aparasoladas and this is because its way of blooming is quite similar to that of an umbrella that is inverted.

Astrantia plantation

The easiest way that we can plant the astrance It is by the method of propagation of the seeds or if we prefer it, also we can buy the plant.

The two options are quite simple to power get in the nursery that is closer, being important to point out that in order to have good results, it is best to let’s carry out this process in the spring season.

If we are one of those who like to have more than a single plant in our gardenwe have to sow them at a distance that is between approximately 30 or 50 centimeters between each one. Each seed that we are going to plant has to be approximately five centimeters deep in the ground and if it is the case that we have bought the plant, we have to open a hole that is according to the size of the plant.

Before we can dig the holewe have to choose the site where we want this beautiful plant to grow and after we have done this we have to mix a small amount of manure or it can also be compost so that the plant can develop more easily.

In a very short time or we can say that in a couple of months, the seed will finally be able to germinate and in a time of only two years, the Astrance can reach its full growth, so that already may be ready to flourishthat this has already been for the third year, apart from the fact that this would be the moment in which we can enjoy the small amount of time and effort that we have invested and at the same time we can observe the splendid exotic decoration that these peculiar flowers will give to our garden.

Astrantia which

Astrantia which

The floor of the plant has to be quite spacious, make it a fertile land is not that important, but if the fact that it has to have a good drainage for the water. It is also important to note that we must use humus for the Astrance.

We have to water this plant frequently and if the drainage is correct, we do not have to worry about flooding that could cause our plant to become ill.

It is very important that the soil is kept moist enoughbut of course without excess water. On the other hand, excess sunlight can cause the plant to dry out, so it is important keep an eye on her.

How to plant Astrantia Major or Astrancia?

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