What are the care of climbing roses in a pot ‘| Gardening On

Flowering specimen of Rosa banksiae var.  lutea

Climbing roses are very beloved shrubs by all. They produce such beautiful flowers and for so many months of the year that it is easy to get hold of the odd specimen even though at first we had not had that intention. Also, they are suitable for beginners .

If you need to cover a lattice, or are looking for a plant that can give color and joy to a wall, do not hesitate to get one and provide the care of the climbing roses in pots that we offer you.

Climbing roses are plants that are very easy to care for; even so, it must be taken into account that, like all plants, they also have preferences that must be respected. Therefore, if we want them to grow in the best possible way it is very important that we place them in an area where the sun shines them a minimum of 5 hours a daysince otherwise they will not be able to flourish as we would like.

If we talk about watering, it has to be frequent, especially during the summer. We must avoid letting the substrate remain dry for many days, so we will water 3-4 times a week in the warmer months and every 4-5 days the rest of the year.. We will preferably use rainwater or lime-free water; In the event that we cannot get it, we will fill a container and let it rest overnight so that the heavy metals go down.

Climbing rose

As we will surely be interested in having a climbing rose in the same pot throughout its life, It is convenient that said container is wide and deep, about 40cm in diameter for more or less the same depth. We will put a piece of shading mesh covering the holes and we will fill it with universal substrate mixed with 30% perlite. Thus, we will not need to put more land on it. Even so, during all the warm months we have to pay it with liquid fertilizersLike guano or using specific fertilizers for rose bushes that they already sell prepared.

Finally, we have to prune it so that they produce new flowers. We will have to remove the roses as they wither, and those stems that look sick or broken. At the end of winter we can give it a more drastic pruning by cutting all the stems between 5 and 10 cm, depending on their length.

And you, how do you take care of your climbing roses?

What are the care of climbing roses in a pot ‘| Gardening On

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