How to plant hyacinths in a pot and how to care for them?

The hyacinth is a bulbous plant that is planted in the fall

Hyacinths are bulbous plants that, when they sprout and flower, remain rather small, but they are so pretty that they are a joy to have in pots. And, in addition, as they have a rather short root system, it is possible to plant a few bulbs in the same container.

But of course, although it is possible to buy bulbs at any time of the year, they cannot be planted at any time. Since they bloom only during a certain season, we have to know what is the best time to plant hyacinths in a pot and how to do it correctly.

Which pot should I choose?

how to care for clay pots

It is very common that hyacinths they are planted in very narrow and low pots; that is to say, that they are placed in ones in which there is only space for the bulb itself, and nothing else. And this for me is a mistake, because all bulbous plants during and/or after flowering what they do is produce new bulbletsthat is, very small bulbs that sprout from the »mother bulb». If they are planted in such narrow pots, they hardly have room for this.

Therefore, We recommend choosing pots that measure about 8 centimeters in diameter by about the same height. You may think that the size is too big, but believe me, in the end you will get your hyacinth much better than if you planted it in a smaller one.

And by the way It doesn’t matter if it’s plastic, clay or ceramic. What is important is that it has drainage holes in its base. The water has to be able to come out when you water it.

What substrate does the hyacinth need?

One of the many good things about the hyacinth is that it is very adaptable. But be careful: this does not mean that it can be planted in pots with any type of substrate, since if it were, it would surely rot. Thus, It is important to choose a quality substrate, rich in organic matter and, if possible, mixed with perlite for perfect drainage.

For this reason, it is advisable to obtain land for high quality plants. For example, there are a series of very interesting land marks, such as the following:

  • Flower
  • weedness
  • lethargy
  • Boom Nutrients

Any of them will be very useful for your hyacinths since they will ensure that they develop well.

How to plant the hyacinth in a pot?

the steps that you must follow are what we are going to tell you next:

  1. Put a little substrate in the pot. More or less, it has to be half filled, but take into account the size of the bulb to know how much you have to add. And it is that the bulb has to be buried so that, thus, it can flourish without having any problem.
  2. Next, put the bulb in the pot. Keep in mind that the narrowest part must be unearthed, because that is where the leaves and flowers will sprout.
  3. Then add substrate. Keep in mind that the bulb must be more or less straight and centered.
  4. Once it is planted, finish filling the pot with substrate, and water.

What is the best time to plant the potted hyacinth bulb?

The hyacinth is a bulbous that produces flowers in spring. For this reason, must be planted in autumnas soon as the summer is gone at all. In this way, it will be able to sprout without problems.

Now, how do you take care of it before it sprouts and after? Well, this is very simple really. Next we will talk about it.

Potted Hyacinth Care Guide

Hyacinths are bulbous that bloom in spring

To take care of it in a pot, you just have to put it in a sunny place so that it can grow in good conditions. In addition, you have to water it several times a week, making sure that the soil does not remain completely dry. In fact, it is preferable that you check its humidity before watering it again, just in case.

Another thing you can do is fertilize it as soon as the leaves begin to sproutwith a specific fertilizer for bulbous or flowering plants, such as No products found. But yes, you have to follow the instructions for use that you will find on the package.

I hope that these tips will be of interest to you to know how to plant hyacinths in a pot.

How to plant hyacinths in a pot and how to care for them?

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