When to transplant bougainvillea: the best tips and tricks

when to transplant bougainvillea

Bougainvillea is one of the most chosen plants for decoration in gardens and interiors. It is a very showy plant with a great decorative character that does not require very complex care, but if we have it in a pot, we must learn when to transplant bougainvillea. For this, we must know some main aspects about the transplant and the materials necessary to carry it out.

For this reason, we are going to dedicate this article to telling you when to transplant bougainvillea, how you should do it and some tips for it.

Necessary care

bougainvillea care

In order for the bougainvillea plant to grow in good conditions, they need some necessary care. These are the following. It needs fertile, loose soil, based on black soil and compost, that drains well and avoids waterlogging.

Mulch the surface of the substrate to prevent frost from making it sick and drying out the roots. It is not necessary to water it excessively, 2 or 3 times a week in summer is enoughespecially if it is in a pot. In winter, water only when the substrate is dry. When watering, avoid wetting its leaves.

Special care must be taken not to flood the substrate as it can cause root rot and suffocation. It is not necessary to pay, if it is left in the pot without transplanting last season, place organic compost or vermicompost, and replace part of the substrate. Remember to pay only during development and flowering, usually in spring. Excessive composting should be avoided.

Make sure to put it in the sun, as at least six hours of sunlight is required. It is important to remember after planting bougainvillea that it needs a lot of light, especially for it to flower, the ideal temperature for it to flower is 20°C during the day and should not drop below 10°C at night.

It can tolerate severe frosts in winter, during which it loses its leaves. Then, in spring, its buds and leaves will reappear and it will flower, giving us its brilliant color.

How and when to transplant bougainvillea into a pot

decorative plant

We will use a clay pot. In the lower part we will place some pieces of broken pot to cover the holes and facilitate drainage. We start by filling it with a mixture of manure and compost, although you can use the substrate you want. We are halfway there. Now is the most delicate moment. Bougainvillea does not like transplants, so you have to be very careful.

We turn them to one side so that the roots do not suffer, then we take the root ball out of the pot little by little, trying not to spread it. We place it slightly on top of the substrate mix that we just put in the large container and fill it with more substrate. We support the plant while we turn the soil to prevent it from moving, we press lightly and water lightly.

The ideal choice for bougainvillea is a sunny south-facing wall that, if possible, provides protection from cold winds. We repeat the whole process with the plants that we are going to transplant.

Regarding when to transplant bougainvillea, it is best to wait for spring when the last frosts of winter have worn off. We know that it does not tolerate very cold nights and, during the transplant, higher than dating is somewhat slower, so precautions must be increased.

With everything and with it, it is important to think several times whether or not to transplant the bougainvillea because it is a plant that does not prefer to be transplanted and grows better in pots in which it has already been able to spread its roots. Only the bougainvillea should be transplanted, as long as the roots came out through the holes in the pot.

Transplant bougainvillea in soil

how and when to transplant bougainvillea

If, on the other hand, we want to know how to transplant bougainvillea in the ground instead of in a pot, these are the steps you must follow to do it correctly. This shrub grows best in rich, well-drained soil. It is difficult for it to thrive in clay-type soils, so in these cases it is recommended to mix it with a dry substrate.

To prepare the soil, you can add organic compost and substrate to the top layer of the pot or where you want to plant. Bougainvillea tolerates high salinity soils well and a pH between 5 and 6 is recommended.

Although the bougainvillea is drought tolerant, once we have transplanted the bougainvillea into the ground, we must know how to water it. The plant needs to be watered about once a week but you have to wait for the soil to dry out between waterings. Watering should be reduced as long as the plant is about to flower. If we water at the same rate, we will be causing the plant to become stressed and the flowers will not come out with the same spectacularity.

Fertilizer after transplant

The vast majority of bougainvilleas that have been transplanted into the ground do not need to be fertilized. However, those that are in a pot lose nutrients with each watering and, over time, they will lack the necessary nutrients to be able to develop correctly. Ideally, add a 14-14-14 fertilizer to the substrate. This fertilizer must be granular and slow release. This is done so that the nutrients are added slowly and that the plant can have what it needs to be able to develop once it is transplanted little by little. It is better to release the necessary nutrients slowly so that the plant can adapt to the new conditions.

It is interesting that, once a year, we tackle with compost enriched with worm humus and manure in order to add extra nutrients to the soil. We should only do this if the bougainvillea has been transplanted in the garden. The favorite fertilizers of most users who have bougainvillea are worm humus, fish emulsion and Superthrive. You can use this type of direct soil foliar fertilizer at any time during the growing season. That is, if after transplanting the bougainvillea it continues to grow, we will use these fertilizers. The growing season is mainly spring and summer, making it the perfect time to repot.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about when to transplant bougainvillea and what you should take into account for it.

When to transplant bougainvillea: the best tips and tricks

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