When and how to plant hyacinths?

Hyacinths are bulbous that bloom in spring

Hyacinths can be grown in the garden and in pots. They should be in a sunny or partially shaded location, as well as have drained, nutrient-rich soil. If this is too heavy, you can add gravel or sand to loosen it a bit, something that avoids waterlogging when watering, since if it is not done, this could cause the hyacinth bulb to rot. Also, when planting hyacinths, you should always wear gloves.

It is important to know that hyacinths are slightly toxic to humans, especially to children and animals. as they contain a substance called oxalic acid that can irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions. The toxic part is the bulb and symptoms range from skin irritation, vomiting, diarrhea to more severe complications. Therefore, they cannot be consumed, but they are used to decorate.

When to plant

The ideal time to plant this plant is the autumn season because the soil is still warm enough and the bulb has enough time during the winter to form new flowers and grow well in the soil. For optimal plant growth, larger flowers, and straighter stems, you should choose a location that receives full sun. Bulbs too tolerate partial shade. You have to grow them in good, moderately fertile soil that drains well.

If the garden soil is too compact, fine sand or gravel can be incorporated. A layer of expanded clay or pottery shards can also be added as a preventive measure if the garden soil tends to puddle; and it is that hyacinths rot in humid soils. However, adding more fertilizer than is indicated on the package has a very negative effect on growth.. Thus, it is preferable to rely on organic fertilizers, that provide the plant with sufficient nutrients for the season.

How hyacinths are planted

Hyacinths are planted in the fall

Hyacinths are fragrant, brightly colored flowers that can grow indoors and outdoors all year round. Planting hyacinths outdoors in late falljust before the first frost, it is relatively easy and similar to planting other bulbs. However, do it indoors requires more time and effort.

Plant outside

When planting hyacinths, the bulbs should be planted about 10 cm apart. The planting depth should be twice as deep as the diameter of the individual bulbs. You have to choose a soil with good drainage, as they do not grow well in constantly moist soils.

  1. First you have to dig a hole 10 cm deep and at a distance of 7-8 cm from each other. Hyacinths will need some room to grow and should be deep enough to withstand the cold of winter.
  2. Then cover the bulb with soil. You can use a compost mix like guano and soil to make sure the soil has the necessary nutrients for the hyacinths.
  3. Once the hole is full, gently press down on it to compact the soil.
  4. Water the bulbs well. Each one should be watered immediately after being planted. Continue watering until the soil is damp, but not soggy.

Plant indoors

To plant hyacinths indoors, you have to follow these steps:

  1. First, for hyacinths to grow indoors, you will need special heat-treated bulbs, which you can find here!.
  2. Make sure the pot has holes in the bottom for drainage to prevent water from getting inside. If not, you can use a drill and drill 5-10 small holes about 2-3 cm apart.
  3. Then fill a medium-sized pot with soil (for sale here!). It is important to use soil specially formulated for these plants to make sure they have the nutrients they need.
  4. We will leave 2-3 cm of space at the top of the pot.
  5. If you have a lot of bulbs, the ideal is to plant them in separate pots, so that they have enough room to grow.

If you are growing hyacinths indoors, you won’t have to worry about burying the bulb deep to protect it from the cold.. Just lay it on the ground so that the top half is sticking out of the surface. When the buds appear, you can add more soil to cover the exposed part of the bulb.

Water each bulb well after planting. This will help them grow their first roots in the soil.. Keep watering until no more water comes out of the holes in the bottom of the pot. Then put it on in a cool, dark place for 10 weeks. Around this time, the bulbs will grow their roots into the ground and begin to rise towards the ground.


Hyacinths are planted in pot or soil

When they start to grow, hyacinths need a lot of moisture and nutrients. Therefore, they must be watered sufficiently and regularly. This is especially true in dry weather during the growing phase. This is the only way for the bulb to get enough nutrients from the soil. In places with well-drained and dry soil in summer, hyacinth bulbs can remain in the ground all year round..

In winter it is convenient to cover its location with bushes or leaves. In suitable places, hyacinths will bloom again every yearbut its inflorescences will shrink over time. What seems like a sign of age is quite the opposite: the plants return to their natural form of growth. If you prefer to have large inflorescences, you can counteract flower shrinkage by pulling the bulbs out of the ground as soon as the foliage has dried. After cleaning, store them in a cool, dry, dark place until the next planting season.

Discard potted hyacinths after flowering ends. Hyacinths indoors usually bloom only once. If you don’t plan on moving them outside, you can save the pot and soil for the next hyacinth cycle, but keep in mind that you may need to add a little compost to the soil to replace some nutrients.

Hyacinths bloom from March to April. After flowering, the plant is fertilized once and both dead leaves and clusters of wilted flowers are removed along with their stems. However, the leaves should only be removed when they are actually wilted, because the leaves of a hyacinth are its store of water and nutrients for the following year. As for winter, These flowers are easy to care for because they are completely frost resistant.

When and how to plant hyacinths?

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