Planting geraniums: when and how to do it

Planting geraniums is a very simple task

Geraniums are plants that look great in a space as small as a balcony, patio or terrace. Their size is not that it is very small, but they are not excessively large either. This means that we can have them practically where we want, and that we only have to worry about taking care of them.

However, you have to know well when and how to plant geraniumssince in the same way that the position in which a farmer or gardener places the seed will influence the beginning of the life of the plant, if we transplant it at an inappropriate time we will run the risk that it will not resume its growth as quickly as possible. which we hope they will.

When are geraniums planted?

Geraniums are planted in spring

Geraniums are a type of plants that belong to the genus Geranium, but there is another genre, the Pelargonium, which also receives that name. But beyond the names, their needs as plants are practically identical. Both come from areas where the climate is warm, so it would be a mistake to want to transplant them, for example, in winterand more if in our area the temperatures drop below zero degrees.

However it would not be a good idea to do it in summer either. This season is when they spend the most energy to grow and flourish; so if we take them out of the pot at this time it might take them a bit to get over it. Although if they are healthy they will most likely recover quickly, it is always better to avoid transplanting them at a time when temperatures are high. A lot of sap circulates through its stems and roots, and if we accidentally make some cuts, no matter how small, we risk them catching an infection, since fungi, bacteria and viruses can enter through these wounds.

Then, What is the ideal time to plant geraniums? Spring. Exactly when will depend a lot on the climate and the plant itself, since it should be done before they start to flower. However, as in many areas of Spain already in March (and even earlier) specimens in flower are sold, they can be transplanted being very careful not to manipulate the roots at that time.

When is it NOT convenient to transplant geraniums?

A geranium that is not well rooted should not be removed from the pot. Why? Because if the root ball or soil bread is made, it will fall apart, and this can cause many problems for the roots.

How do we know that it has taken root? Watching to see if roots grow out of the pot’s drainage holes. If none is showing but we still suspect that the container is getting too small, we can do the following:

  1. First, we will give the pot a few blows so that the soil “detaches” from it.
  2. Next, we will take the plant at the base of the main stem.
  3. Finally, we carefully pull the plant upwards a bit.

Does the root ball come out without falling apart? So you actually need more space.

Can a diseased geranium be transplanted at any time?

Before explaining to you step by step how to plant a geranium, I would like to talk to you about this topic. Can you transplant one that is sick on any date? The truth is that it depends on the problem you have. In general, it could be done in these cases:

  • If you have suffered excess watering.
  • If the soil you have does not absorb water.
  • If you suspect that you have a plague that is affecting the roots (worms for example).
  • If you have added more compost or fertilizer than indicated by the manufacturer.

In these situations, rather than taking away the land you have, new would be added. If there is a suspicion of a plague, we will put the earth bread in a basin with water and insecticide for about 20 minutes before transferring it to another pot.

How to plant geraniums?

As you well know, you can have geraniums in a pot, or if the weather is mild in the garden. As the way to proceed to plant them is a little different, let’s see how it is done in each case:

Planting geraniums in pots

Geraniums are plants that can be grown in pots

To plant geraniums in pots we need the following:

  • Flower pot: it has to be wider and taller than the one they are already using. As they are fast-growing plants, it is recommended that they measure about 5 centimeters more in diameter and depth than the »old» pot. In addition, they must have holes in the base.
  • Substratum: it is highly recommended that it be a universal substrate that contains some perlite (for sale here!). It is an easy to find and very inexpensive soil, perfect for geraniums. An alternative can be mulch, or a mixture of equal parts of peat, perlite and worm castings (for sale here!).
  • Watering can with water: the water must be rain, or if not, bottled water. If you can use the tap to drink, it will also do; But if it has a lot of lime, bring it to a boil first so that the lime stays down completely.

Step by step

  1. The first is to fill the new pots with substrate, more or less halfway. To find out if we have added a lot or a little, we will introduce the geraniums with their respective “old” pots into the “new” ones. In this way, we will see if they are low or high with respect to the edge of the new containers.
  2. Now, if necessary, we will add or remove substrate.
  3. Then, we will extract, now yes, the geraniums from their “old” pots, with care. If they don’t come out, we’ll tap the containers. If we see that the roots have become tangled, the ideal will be to untangle them with patience.
  4. Next, we will proceed to introduce them into their “new” pots, leaving them more or less in the center of them.
  5. To finish, we add substrate and water.

Planting geraniums in the garden

Geraniums can be planted in the garden in spring

Anti-mosquito geranium / Image – Wikimedia / Eric Hunt

When we want to plant geraniums in the garden we will have to find a place for them where they receive light, either direct -something that would be highly recommended- or filtered. Once we have found it, we will proceed to see if the land has good drainagesince these plants fear waterlogging. We will do this by making a hole about 40 centimeters wide and high, and then filling it with water.

If the soil we have is suitable for geraniums, we will see that the water begins to be absorbed from the first moment it falls. But beware, it doesn’t have to be absorbed in “a second.” If it happens, we will have to fill the hole with a soil that retains moisture, such as the universal substrate.

As soon as we have done this, we can proceed to plant our geranium following this step by step:

  1. The first thing is to fill the hole with substrate, up to a little more than half.
  2. Then we will put the geranium in it with the pot on. So we will know if we have to put more land or not. The root ball of the plant does not have to be high but not too low with respect to ground level. Ideally, it should be about 0,5 cm below, but not more.
  3. Then, we take it out of the hole to remove the pot, something we will do after watering it.
  4. Next, we introduce it into the hole again, and fill it with substrate.
  5. To finish, we do a tree grate with the land that we have left over, and we water.

Now, what we have left is to enjoy our freshly planted geraniums.

Planting geraniums: when and how to do it

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