
Nettle is effective against aphids and stimulates plant growth

Between the ecological remedies against peststhere are very effective growing associations or home remedies made with other plants. What occurs spontaneously in Nature, we can recreate in our garden or flowerpot.

We already saw the garlic solutions or with Horse tail. Garlic is one of the Home Remedies most used in the garden. It is used as a general insecticidal repellent, especially for aphids, but it also has fungicidal effects and repels the potato beetleso scary at this time of year. It achieves this thanks to its active acids, which penetrate the plants in which it is applied and circulate through its sap, acting as a repellent, especially effective against powdery mildew, the aphid or mites.

But we have other healing species:

  • Wormwood: Repels antscaterpillars, slugs, aphids and some mites. In pear and apple trees it drives away the carpocapsa. Harvested at the beginning of flowering when the flowers are well yellow. The stem and leaf are used, fresh or dried. Fermented extract of 1 kg of fresh plant in 10 l of water. Diluted at 10% against the cabbage butterfly and carpocapsa. Spraying pure on the ground repels slugs.
  • Burdock: Stimulates the life of the soil and vegetation. Fungicide. Dried leaves can be spread as mulch against the potato powdery mildew. The entire plant, including the roots, is used before flowering. Fermented extract of 1 kg for 10 l that is sprayed diluted at 5% on the potato leaves against mildew.
  • Horse tail: This very particular plant is used as decoctions to prevent the attacks of mushrooms. It also provides many minerals and gives strength to the plant with large doses of silica. Effective against powdery mildew or rust, and coadjuvant, together with nettle extract, against red spider or aphid. Add 15 grams of horsetail if it is dry, or 100 grams if it is fresh, to a liter of water and we will boil it for 15 minutes. Once it has cooled down, we will drain the water and dilute it 1: 3 (for each part of horsetail preparation, we will put three parts of water) to spray our plants with it.
  • Balm: Insect repellent against aphids, mosquitoes, whiteflies and ants. Infusion of 50g of leaves and fresh flowers for 1l of water. Use undiluted. Do not water the seeds with lemon balm infusion because it slows the germination of the vegetables.
  • Peppermint: Insectifuge and insecticide on green, black and ashen aphids. Infusion of 100 g of fresh plant for 1l of water. Fermented extract diluted to 10%. It ferments very quickly. Do not water the seeds because it slows the germination of the vegetables.
  • Nettle: The fermented extract of nettles acts against the aphidbut it also stimulates the growth of younger plants. It is left to ferment for two or three days 100 grams for each liter of rainwater. It is then filtered and each liter is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • kratom: The extract slows down germination. It is insecticide and fungicide. Infusion of 100 g of fresh plant per l of water. Fermented extract of 1 kg of leaves and flowers in 10 l of water, diluted 10% against the potato mildew.

More information – Making an insect repellent at home with garlic, Make an ecological fungicide at home with horsetail, Powdery mildew, Aphid