How to keep roses from wilting

Roses are flowers that can be kept

The flowers of the rose bushes are gorgeous. They have everything that so many humans like: elegance and beauty; And even if perfection existed, these natural wonders would probably be some of the most perfect in the world, if not the most. However, like all living things, it sprouts, grows, develops, pollinates and finally dies.

However, when we buy some to make a beautiful bouquet we can take some measures to delay their wilting as much as possible. Let us know how to make roses not wither.

How to choose roses for a vase or bouquet?

Rose flowers dry well and fast on books

Every time you go to a florist to buy roses it is very important that touch the lower petals to know if they are fresh or not. If it is, in addition to not detaching, the flower will look well formed, that is, compact, beautiful, healthy. In any case, it is advisable that you choose those that are not near a window since if the sun hits them they will immediately spoil.

Once at home, you have to remove the withered leaves and roses if you have some, as well as those that will be submerged to prevent the proliferation of fungi and bacteria. Before putting them in the vase or vase make sure that it is large enough for all the flowers you have bought. If there are many in a, for example, small vase, the wilting process of the roses will accelerate. Ideally, there is the necessary amount so that no flower is in contact with the others.

What do I do to the roses so they don’t wither?

We all would like the roses to remain intact forever, but that is impossible unfortunately. However, there are some things we can do to make them last longer. For example: one is take a paracetamol-type aspirin or squirt of vinegar the water.

But also, if there is something that should be done, it is to keep the water always clean. Therefore, the vase or vase must be cleaned every day with a disinfectant (it can be dishwasher soap) and then removing any remaining foam. Then, you must fill it each time with water without lime.

Also, it will be necessary to go trimming the stem of the rose at a 45 degree angle every other day as it wilts. It must be borne in mind that during the wilting process, it is normal for fungi to appear, as these are the ones in charge of ‘digesting’ what is already dead. It is part of the cycle of the cycle of life and death. But beware, these can not only feed on the decomposing matter, but they can also greatly harm the rest of the stem that is still alive, unless we cut it with previously disinfected scissors.


Related article:

How to care for flowers so they last longer

How to dry a rose step by step?

After enjoying your roses for a few days, and before it goes bad, You have the option of drying it to keep it for several years by following this simple step by step:

  1. First, remove everything that is already withered.
  2. Next, tie a string to the end of the stem and hang it upside down in a low-light, dry, and somewhat ventilated area. Leave it there for about 3 weeks, until it has dried.
  3. After that time, spray / spray the flower with lacquer. With this you will ensure that the petals do not come off.
  4. Leave it for 3 days.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 one more time.
  6. And ready!

Another option is to let it dry for 2-3 weeks in an area with little or no humidity, and then tuck it between the pages of a book. Finally, it will only be left to place something heavy (it can be many books) on top of it and leave it like that for a few weeks … or years .

Roses are flowers that last for several days

With these tips and tricks, your roses will be beautiful in your home, whether in a vase, vase or glass. We hope they’re useful to you.

How to keep roses from wilting

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