When do orchids bloom? | Gardening On

Orchids are tropical plants

Orchids are one of the most curious, elegant and beautiful plants in the world. For many, they are the ones that produce flowers of the highest ornamental value, and of course they have reason to think that: the shapes they take and the colors make them very difficult to ignore.

However, there is a question that many of us ask ourselves when we acquire them and it is: When do orchids bloom? When we see them in the nurseries they are with their flowers, healthy and precious, but shortly after arriving home they wither … and they will not come out again until … when?

Things to know about the characteristics of orchids

Orchids bloom in spring

Orchids are plants that belong to the botanical family Orchidaceae, which is made up of about 25 or 30 thousand species (it is not yet clear how many there are), and about 60 thousand hybrids and varieties that have been produced by flower growers throughout the years. It is, without a doubt, the largest plant family in the world. Many of them are native to the intertropical zonealthough we can find them anywhere in the world except at the poles and in deserts.

But the ones that are sold are, in general, originating from the tropical rain forests, or hybrids of species that live there. In those places the temperature remains stable always above 18ºC, and the relative humidity is high, higher than 60%. And of course, in our homes they do not usually find these same living conditions.

The temperature may be adequate, but the relative humidity is not. In addition, there is ventilation but it is scarce, unless we have the windows open; and still, it can be too intense for orchids. If we choose to place them in passageways, the leaves are likely to dry out due to constant friction. Let’s not even talk about the flowers: if the plants do not receive the care they need, they will not flower or it will be very difficult for them to do so.

Having said that…

When do these plants bloom?

Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of ‘pure’ orchids (i.e. those that are neither hybrids nor cultivars) only flower once a year, but the flowers can remain open from a few hours to more than three. months, which is what happens, for example, with Phalaenopsis, which are the most popular, or the Paphiopedilum. If we talk about hybrid orchids or cultivars, they can bloom two or more times a year.

When exactly? Well, it will depend on several factors: temperature, number of hours of light, changes in environmental humidity, amount of water available … In their natural habitat, in principle they do so shortly after the ‘dry’ season (which is not dry as such, but it is the period of the year in which it rains less), but when grown indoors they will do so in springas long as the minimum temperature is at least 20ºC.

How to make orchids bloom?

Orchids are plants native to the intertropical areas

If your orchids only bloomed that time you bought them and they haven’t done it again, follow our advice so you can enjoy their flowers again:

Put them in a room with light

All plants need light to flourish. Some more than others, but if they are indoors, the ideal is to place them in a bright roomwhere you can see without problems during the day without turning on a lamp.

And by the way, put them away from air conditioning, passageways, … in short, where they can receive more or less strong air currents.

Be careful: do not put them next to the window, as they will burn because they do not like to receive direct light at all. If you have them next to the window, rotate the pots to prevent them from becoming etiolate, that is, to prevent them from growing excessively and weakly in the direction of the light.

Make sure the humidity is high

We have discussed it before. The ambient humidity must be high, of a minimum of 60%. To make it the easiest way is by placing glasses with water aroundor spraying with lime-free or distilled water once a day in spring and summer (do not do it in autumn-winter as otherwise its leaves would rot).

Another option is to fill a ceramic pot with claystone (for sale here!) or volcanic clay, pour water into it, and then put the orchid inside with its pot and with a plate under it.

Is the size of the pots correct?

Orchids don’t transplant… do they? Well, it depends. It is true that their root system does not require much space, especially if we are talking about epiphytic species (that live on tree branches, such as Phalaenopsis, but that does not mean that they have to be kept in mini-pots.

Therefore, If your plants have been in it for a long time, and you see that the roots are coming out through the drainage holes, do not hesitate to transplant them in spring. Use transparent plastic pots for the epiphytes, since the roots need to be somewhat exposed as they also carry out photosynthesis; for the terrestrial ones you can use colors without problem.

Orchids are transplanted in spring

Related article:

When and how to transplant orchids?

Control the risks

The frequency of watering, in general, will be high, especially during the summer. But beware of overwatering, as it could literally drown the orchids. To avoid this, the ideal is to observe the roots:

  • Epiphytic orchids: As they are grown in transparent pots, it will be easy for you to know when to water them since you will only have to see if they are still green or if they have turned white. In the event that they are white, you will have to water.
  • Terrestrial orchids: if you have those that are grown in colored pots, you should check the humidity of the soil before watering, either with a thin wooden stick or, if you prefer, weighing the pot once watered and again afterwards of a few days.

Always use rainwater or lime-free water.


Related article:

Learn everything you need to know about watering orchids

Extra tip: pay them every now and then

The orchids can be paid in spring and summer with a specific subscription for them (for sale here!). Follow the instructions specified on the package to the letter to ensure that your plants enjoy good health.

What to do when the orchid loses flowers?

Orchids are tropical plants

Orchid flowers have a limited life expectancy, because of this, and to prevent infections, it is important that they are cut as they wither with scissors previously disinfected with pharmacy alcohol. In this way, they will look prettier .

Orchid diseases

Related article:

Orchid care after flowering

If orchids already have problems …

It may happen that the plants flower but that the flowers fall prematurely as a result of excess watering and / or humidity, or due to the presence of pests. To do?

  • Excess irrigation and / or humidity: in these situations we will see that the leaves soften, that even liquid comes out of them. Its roots will also be either dark brown or black, if the case is really serious. So the most advisable thing is to remove them from the pots, cut everything that is very bad, and re-plant them in new pots with new substrate. Then, rooting hormones are added to stimulate the production of new roots, and they are watered a little.
  • Pests: the most common are mealybugs, but do not rule out aphids ni red spiders. As orchids are relatively small plants, what can be done is to soak a swab from the ears with a little pharmacy alcohol, and gradually remove the plague. Or if you want, use diatomaceous earth (on sale here!).

I hope it has been useful to you.

When do orchids bloom? | Gardening On

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