Mushrooms in the urban garden

Yesterday we were talking about powdery mildew, One mushrooms most common in the urban garden. But there are three others, which tend to attack our vegetables in times of mild temperatures and high humidity: mildew, rust and gray rot. Do you want to learn to recognize them?

Fungi in the garden usually appear by moisture imbalancesgenerally by having watered a lot when the plant did not need it, or by keeping the environment very humid, even by being in an excessively shady place, due to the thickness of the foliage, the poor ventilation or high density of plants. Compost nitrogenous in excess it can also be the cause, as it forces the plant to absorb more water than usual.

Addition powdery mildew, the most common fungi in the planter are:

Mildew: Displays as a greasy powder or Brown spots on the surface of the leaves. It suffocates them and ends up drying them.

To prevent it, avoid high humidity, continued rains in mild temperature environments or sprinkler irrigation. Nor will we touch the plants when they are wet.

mildew1 Detects the most common fungi

Rust: If the plant has a lot of vegetation and also has tender leaves, it is more likely to appear. Produces a round orange spots or holes or brown, which are very easily recognized. To avoid its appearance, it is necessary to improve the aeration of the plant.

rust Detects the most common fungi

Gray rot (botrytis). Produces gray rot and hairy spots in the most sensitive fruits, such as tomatoes. The plant loses its color, rots and dies. To eliminate it, the infected parts are removed and the plant is pruned so that air circulation is greater.

botrytis Detects the most common fungi

More information – Powdery mildew, The flowerpot

Source: elhuertodelabu

Mushrooms in the urban garden

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