Mango tree

The mango It is one of the few tropical trees that can be grown in slightly cool climates, since although it does not support frost, it does easily withstands temperatures close to 0 degrees. However, it must also be said that in recent years new varieties less sensitive to cold have been imported, such as Gomera 3, Maha Chinook or Ataúlfo, which can also be kept in a pot as it grows to a height of 3 meters. . These three, if planted in a sheltered area, could even withstand some very mild and short-lived frosts of up to -1ºC.

But, when planting a mango in the garden, not only its resistance to cold must be taken into account, but also its preferences regarding ground and moisture.

Mango blossoms

The mango is an evergreen or deciduous tree depending on how the winter is, with long, lanceolate leaves with a very defined central vein. It grows to a height of about 7 meters according to the variety.

Its flowers are distributed in spike-shaped inflorescences (like the cereal plant for example). Its scientific name is Mangifera indicatesand its growth rate is medium-fast.

Mango fruit

When planting it, the following must be taken into account:

  • Rusticity: As we said, it is a tropical species, but it will withstand temperatures close to 0 degrees if it is a little sheltered.
  • Location: Due to the size they can reach, they are planted in medium and / or large gardens. Choose a place where it receives sunlight throughout the day and can grow freely. Its crown can measure about 3-4 meters in diameter, so it should be planted about 4-5 meters away from other plants, and about 5-8m from pipes, irrigation systems, soils.
  • Land: Although it is not very demanding as far as the land is concerned, it is highly recommended to plant it in those that are fertile and have good drainage.

With these tips, you will be able to taste delicious mangoes for many, many years .