

Bonsai are miniature trees that attract us easily, truth? They are very beautiful, ideal to have on the balcony, patio or terrace. But what about indoors? Keep in mind that, although small, they are trees, and as such they need to feel the climatic variations in order to develop and grow in a healthier way.

That is why today I am going to tell you the risks of having a bonsai indoors.

cherry tree

cherry tree

The so-called indoor bonsai that we find in nurseries and garden centers they are actually trees of tropical species that in our area would not survive the winter. Among them we have the Serissa, Sagerethia, Carmona and some Ficus. These are, in general, species that are not very suitable for those who are new to this world, and that, seeing that it is difficult for them to survive the cold months, can make us believe that taking care of a bonsai is too complicated.

Tropical bonsai can be had indoorsbut always taking into account the following:

  • Location: it must be in a room with plenty of natural light, away from drafts and heating.
  • They need high humidityFor this you can place several glasses with water around it, or make a greenhouse. Sprays could be harmful as they create the ideal environment for fungus growth.
  • Likewise, the dish should not be kept underneath with water either. Once we water, we will let 20 or 30 minutes pass and we will remove the excess water.
  • Whenever possible, the ideal is to have it outside all year round and indoors when the temperatures begin to cool.



Still, if you want to start in this world, I encourage you to try: elm trees (also the Zelkovas), and indigenous species (pomegranates, fig trees, laurel, … among others). These are very resistant, suitable to have outside all year round.