Negrilla, the fungus that leaves its mark



Some most common plant diseases are the product of the appearance of mushrooms. The bold It is one of the most frequent, a type of fungus that attacks a large number of species, especially those that suffer frequent attack by insects.

What is bold?

Also know as Sooty mold, Negreo and Soot, this fungus attacks plants that are attacked by biting insects for develops on the remains of molasses or sugary secretions that they leave behind. Pests such as aphids, whiteflies or mealybugs secrete a sweet substance in which the bold is then deposited.

It is common that appear on leaves, fruits, shoots, and stems although it can also be detected in areas near the plant such as walls and floors. The good news is that it is easy to distinguish the bold as it is enough to detect a dry, soot-like black powderdark and that when rubbed with the fingers disappears.



The good news is that it is not a serious disease because the main drawback is aesthetic. However, it is important to control the attack because in more serious cases the fungus can affect photosynthesis and slow down the growth of the plant.

Measures and precautions

The plants most resistant to the attack of pests hardly suffer from bold but the rest of the specimens do. To avoid it, you have to be careful, keeping insects that cause pests away. Organic compost and natural mulch also help as they increase the defenses of the plant.

Another important point is irrigation as it will have to be precise in order to avoid puddles and dampness, which give rise to the appearance of fungi.

In case of detecting black powder, it is best to prune the affected parts of the plant. In addition, the plant must be washed with a mixture of water and neutral soap or, in the event that the plant may be affected by soap, it is best to wash with water under pressure.



Negrilla, the fungus that leaves its mark

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