
Image – Plant Flower

Sometimes we can have a plant that does not finish producing all the branches that we would like or that has a development that does not finish being what we expected. When that happens, we can resort to pruning to try to fix it.

One of the most used techniques is bumwhich is done especially in young fruit trees so that they can grow better. But, What does it consist of and when is it done?

What is it?

Browning is a technique that consists of cutting the lateral shoots of a stem or the buds so that all the energy destined by the plant is concentrated in a single shoot: the main onewhich will serve as a growth guide. What is it done for? There are several reasons why a gardener or gardener may choose to carry out this work on their plants, including:

  • Get him to gain more height. For example, a young tree that has started to branch from the bottom and that looks more like a bush than a tree.
  • Revive the plant. If it has been very sick, to the point that a large part of its branches have dried up, it is decided to cut them leaving only the most vigorous ones.
  • Rejuvenate it. There are many shrubs, such as rose bushes, that need rejuvenation pruning every year to be able to produce a greater number of branches.

Fruit pruning

fruit tree pruning

When it’s made?

Weeding is a practice that usually done before the plant resumes growththat is, towards the end of winter. But if she has been very ill and it is, for example, spring, it can also be done (in fact, if it were not done, we might not be able to save her).

We will take pruning scissors, disinfect them with pharmacy alcohol and proceed to cut what interests us.

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