Ants on a leaf

ants on a leaf

Ants are some of the smartest insects out there, but they can also be quite annoying for plants. Although during the flowering season they help them to transport pollen from one flower to another, if the health status of the plant being is weak they will not hesitate to take the opportunity to harm them even more.

That is why it is interesting to know what home remedies against ants can we usebecause although it is true that there are synthetic products -chemicals- with a very fast effectiveness, it cannot be ignored that these are toxic both for the user and for the environment. Caring for plants with natural and organic products is possible, as you can see for yourself.

Hot water

Pour hot water on the anthill

Pour hot water on the anthill

Hot water is the cheapest thing there is, and one of the fastest effective remedies. Bring water to a boil in a pot, and then pour it all into the anthill. You will forget about ants forever.

Bicarbonate of soda

Baking soda to repel ants

Baking soda to repel ants

Baking soda mixed with equal parts sugar is one of the best natural remedies to eliminate ants. Just you have to spread it around those places that these insects use as an entrance or exitsuch as windows or doors.

Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth, effective ant repellent

Diatomaceous earth, effective ant repellent

La diatomaceous earth They are microscopic fossilized algae that, in addition to serving as a fertilizer, is one of the best insecticides out there. To repel and eliminate ants, spread it over those places of access. If you have pets, also put under the feeders as it is not toxic for them.

Lemon juice

Prepare lemon juice to repel ants

Prepare lemon juice to repel ants

The smell and especially the taste of lemons is so peculiar that few animals approach them. Ants greatly dislike it, so do not hesitate to squeeze two to three lemons and sprinkle the soil and / or plants with the juice.

Do you know any other anti-ant home remedies?