Characteristics of the lunero lemon tree: everything you need to know

lemon tree pruning

lemon tree pruning

The moon lemon tree it is highly sought after because, although it is not very different aesthetically from normal lemon trees, it is more commonly used for home consumption. It is also distinguished because its fruits are available all year round, which is interesting for those who manage to grow them.

For this reason, we are going to dedicate this article to telling you all the characteristics and cultivation of the lunero lemon tree.

How to plant a lemon tree

lemon plantation

lemon plantation

The lunero lemon tree has lemons all year roundlemons usually come in different textures and sizes, just like flowers. Since it blooms year-round, you may see a new crop of blooms every now and then. This lemon tree is usually more open than the orange tree. Its leaves give off a pleasant lemon aroma like that of a traditional lemon tree.

In fact, it is no different than how you would grow a normal lemon tree, but again, we will give you some tips to follow when growing your lemon tree so that you can plant it in the best possible way.

The first thing to keep in mind is the climate and the soil in which it is grown, and although the lemon tree is a fairly resistant tree and it will do well in any climate, it must be clear that temperatures that are too low are not good for it. If you consider the most rustic, stony and poor soil in the area where you are going to place your lemon tree, do not worry that the lemon tree will definitely adapt to these conditions.

You have to make sure that the place you decide to place is a place that is in contact with the sun, as this will ensure that you have a healthy and well-developed tree. Keep the soil moist but not too moist. too much water can make the tree sick, and dry leaves can even kill the tree completely. Be sure to water often, but don’t overdo it.

If you’ve ever wondered if it’s okay to keep this lemon tree in a pot, the answer is yes. All you have to do is make sure that the lemon tree has enough space to grow perfectly. What we are looking for is a lemon tree that can continue to grow without becoming stagnant because the roots feel as if they have no more space.

Try to make holes in your pots to allow excess water to drain, you can buy pots with holes or make your own with a drill, the important thing is that they help your plants better. If you are planting it in a field, make sure you keep its surroundings clean and that no other plants want to feed on the nutrients our lemon trees are supposed to consume.

Care of the lunero lemon tree

moon lemon tree

lunero lemon tree

Luneros lemon trees need attention all year round and need water and fertilizer whenever possible (as I said before, water should not be abused). We will give you some fertilization tips so that you can do it in the best possible way.

Ehe best time to compost is until second germination beginsfrom the plantation. After this, it is recommended to set a user each time you water, but do not abuse it, as it can lead to excess salinity.

Fertilize from March to September. It is also important to carry out this fertilization work during the first 4 years of our tree, after which it is advisable to seek professional help that also covers other aspects. The pruning of the Lunero lemon trees is usually carried out annually, during which dead, diseased and weakened branches must be removed to rejuvenate the remaining vegetation.

The lunero lemon tree requires a lot of water and fertilizer, since it is a plant that usually suffers from defects, which will account for a significant part of the cost. Some notes for your subscribers are:

  • Do not start fertilizing until the second germination has started in the plantation.
  • If possible, It will be paid by irrigation, with no more than 2 kg of fertilization per cubic meter of irrigation water to avoid excess salt.
  • Payments are made from March to September.
  • Subscribers are only displayed for the first 4 years, after which it is necessary to resort to technical advice that takes into account other factors.

Pruning and maintenance

lunero lemon tree and care

lunero lemon tree and care

Pruning is done once a year. The branches to be removed must be selected, dead, weak or diseased, and the rest of the vegetation must be active. We will cut the branches with clean cuts. Unpruned fruit trees bloom profusely, but then become unruly.

First, we need sharp, sterilized tools. If we are going to prune several lemon trees, we have to clean the tools between one and the other so as not to spread diseases. We need anvil shears for the thinner branches and pinking shears for the thicker branches. Steps for pruning lemon trees:

  • First, we will prune the dry branches.
  • All lower branches that are in contact with the ground must be removed or the lemon will touch the ground and spoil.
  • Branches that rise vertically are suckers and we also have to cut them off.
  • The shoots that sprout from the trunk should also be pruned, since all they do is consume nutrients.
  • Choose 3 strong main branches, as they will support the weight of the lemon.
  • Next we have to sprout secondary shoots, shoots that grow from the 3 main shoots, about 20 cm. The branches must be well guided, that is, not deformed or entangled.

When is the best time to prune them?

You must prune your lemon tree at the right time so as not to lose the current year’s harvest. The moment will depend on the state of the tree:

Lemon trees do not bear fruit throughout the year and stop growing with the arrival of low temperatures, so it is not advisable to prune them in winter since frost can be fatal for them. It should be done after the coldest season (January or February) or the hot summer (June or July), when the trees stop growing.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the lunero lemon tree and its characteristics.

Characteristics of the lunero lemon tree: everything you need to know

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