Characteristics, uses and care of plants of the genus Mimulus

Mimulus plant flowers

Flowers of Mimulus plants

Today we are going to talk about a flower that is well known not only for its ornamental appearance, but also for being part of numerous flower remedies. Surely you have ever been able to talk about Bach flowers. It’s about the genre Mimulus. In this group of plants there are more than a hundred species among which we find Mimulus cardinalis or Mimulus lewislii. These plants are perfect for decorating the darkest and most humid parts of the gardens.

If you want to know how to care for and what characteristics the plants of the genus Mimulus have, here we tell you.

Medicinal aspects



This flower is quite known for the fame it has been given in the floral averages. It is not only used for ornamentation, but also It was used in the early twentieth century for homeopathy. The Doctor who focused on studying the effects of this plant for treatment and unusual research made this plant more relevant. This scientist tested all the effects of the plants in this group on his body. Today’s application of the remedies is out of date and there is not much about the effectiveness.

There are other more common plants for which more is known about their beneficial effects. According to a study by Dr. Bach, this plant can serve as a homeopathic remedy to calm anxiety, certain phobias and help people who are very nervous in general. This Doctor has described more than 38 proposed remediesalthough they have been taken more as an anecdote than as a solution to problems.

Key features

Mimulus care

Mimulus care

In our case, we are going to talk about the plants of the genus Mimulus because they have the quality of decorating gardens. It exceeds a hundred species. Among the best known we have Mimulus cardinalis, Mimulus lewisii, Mimulus glutinosus or Mimules cupreus among others.

There are also other commercial hybrids that have other characteristics similar to those mentioned above. They are plants that usually do not exceed half a meter in height and they have leaves with a vivid green color. The edges of the leaves are smooth or serrated depending on the species we are treating. Its flowers are solitary and can be seen at the end of a long peduncle. They are funnel-shaped and bilabiated. Depending on the species we can have flowers with different colors that vary between red, cream, yellow, etc. Flowering takes place in summer, although there are some hybrid species that are sold in stores that bloom in early spring.

Among the most prominent uses we have the decoration of rockeries, curbs or flowerbeds. There are also many people who use it in pots to protect them from the cold and protect them from winter. As for the hybrid species that we have mentioned before, we can see those that prefer shady situations and with a greater amount of humidity. For example we have the species M. cardinalis and M. lewisii.

One of the great characteristics that we can highlight of the plants of the genus Mimulus east, although they are not great or spectacular plants to see, They do not go unnoticed if we place them to decorate both rockeries, flowerbeds or even in pots.

Caring for plants of the genus Mimulus

yellow flowers

yellow flowers

Although they are not plants with many requirements, we must take into account some fundamental aspects in their care. First of all, it is to take into account the temperatures and the location. Within this genre there are species that need a good exposure to the sun. There are others that do need more shade or are tolerant to low temperatures. Theoretically, they are able to withstand up to -15 degrees in winter. This fact seems somewhat curious given that in most of them they need some kind of shelter from the cold of winter.

Ideally, we put each plant in the location and temperatures it needs. As for the soil, we must pay special attention so that the plant can develop in good conditions. The soils must be spongy, with enough nutrients, a good aeration and, not forgetting the drainage. To keep the fertility of the soil active enough to cover the nutrients that these plants need, we can fertilize with a good compost about twice a year. The most recommended time is usually both in autumn and in spring. These two times of the year are crucial as they need a greater amount of nutrients both for flowering and after flowering.

Now let’s move on to the frequency of irrigation. Being a species that adapts easily to semi-shady conditions, it will constantly need more humidity. The best way to water it is that the waterings are frequent but not very abundant. In this way, we achieve that the irrigation maintains a certain degree of humidity in the soil important enough to keep the plant in good condition.

Multiplication and maintenance of plants of the genus Mimulus

Mimulus in natural ecosystem

Mimulus in natural ecosystem

If we want to multiply these plants, the simplest thing is to use the division of the same during the spring season. In this way, we get that in summer they are prepared for flowering. If not by division during the spring, we will have to do it with cuttings in summerthis technique being more complicated.

For the maintenance of the plant we need the substrate to have good nutrients, mulch and conditions of humidity and freshness more or less controlled and constant over time. Although it can be propagated through seeds, it is not the most common if we already have the plant previously. Anyway, if we want to do it like this we will need a protected seedbed that We must maintain a temperature of 15 degrees constantly. If we have to guarantee growth from scratch, the care may be somewhat stricter at the beginning. However, once the plant has taken root and is developing, we can take care of it by applying the necessary maintenance according to the species within the genus.

As you can see, the plants of the genus Mimulus can serve as action if we have a garden located in the shade. I hope that with this information you can learn more about these plants and how we should take care of them.

Characteristics, uses and care of plants of the genus Mimulus

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