TrilobeAsimina triloba

Image – Flickr / James St. John

The Trilobe It is one of the few tropical species that can live well in climates with frost, and not the weak ones, but the intense ones. It is a tree that also produces edible fruits, and that has large leaves, a magnificent green color and flowers … not beautiful, the following .

Its cultivation is not difficultsince in fact it can be had in large but also small gardens, and even in pots.

Origin and characteristics

View of the Asimina treeAsimina tree view

Image – Flickr / James St. John

It is a shrub or small tree about 5 meters high native to the eastern United States popularly known as Florida chiromoyo, Assimina, Pawpaw or Mountain Banana. The leaves are deciduous, large, up to 15-20cm long by 4-5cm wide.

Blooms in spring. The flowers are burgundy red. The fruit is edible, about 15cm long with a flavor between mango and banana.


There are a few, the following being the most recommended for being self-fertile:

  • Davis: it is very productive. Its fruits are elongated, with a green skin and yellow pulp.
  • overread: produces fruits grouped in three or five, with few seeds.
  • Prima: produces fruits with yellow pulp.
  • Sunflower: produces fruits that are grouped in 3-5, with pale pulp.

What are their cares?

Asimina triloba flower

Flower of Asimina triloba

If you want to have a copy of Trilobewe recommend you take care of it as follows:

  • Location: outside, in an area where little by little, as it grows, it is increasingly exposed to direct sun. When young it needs partial shade.
  • Earth:
    • Garden: fertile, with good drainage.
    • Pot: you can fill it with mulch.
  • Irrigation: about 3-4 times a week in summer, and the rest a little less often.
  • Subscriber: in spring and summer, with organic fertilizers.
  • Multiplication: by seeds in summer.
  • Rusticity: resists up to -20ºC, although at 0 degrees it loses its leaves.

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