Characteristics and care of Ficus microcarpa

original ficus microcarpa

Ficus microcarpa original

A kind of bonsai tree that can be used for both interior and exterior decoration is the Ficus microcarp. It is a tree native to Asia and Oceania that belongs to the Rosaceae family. It has great ornamental value and its care, although somewhat complex, makes it worthwhile.

In this article we are going to teach you the main care of the Ficus microcarpas well as its main characteristics and the art of bonsai indoors and outdoors.

Key features

Detail of Ficus microcarpa

Detail of Ficus microcarpa

The Ficus microcarp It has a rounded crown shape with roots that take on totally curved shapes that attract a lot of attention. The decoration offered in gardens is perfect to combine with other exotic species. The art of bonsai is like having a huge tree but in smaller dimensions. It is worth having to comply with its care to make it decorative in our home.

It is naturally capable of reaching 20 meters in height, as long as the environmental conditions are suitable. In bonsai version its stature is much smaller. Its main characteristic that makes it stand out from the rest may be that its trunk has a very smooth texture. The leaves are green and shiny, both round and oval in shape. Approximately they can have a maximum size of 10 cm and it is important to monitor them continuously to see the possible appearance of pests and diseases.

To cultivate it there is a perfect moment to guarantee the success of its germination and development. In spring is when the sown seed has a greater success and it is easier to multiply it. You can sow it in a pot or in the ground. In both it will grow in a healthy way if we take good care of it.

If we want to plant it in a pot, we must bear in mind that it is best to sow it from seed. On the other hand, if we do it from the ground we can also sow it by air layering or by cutting. The cutting is the most used if you do not have good experience in this and we want to speed up the process.

Caring for the Ficus microcarp

We now go on to describe the main care that this plant needs since its beauty and duration depend on their quality. If we take care of it properly, It is a tree that can last us between 30 and 100 years.

Climate and soil

microcarp bonsai

microcarpa bonsai

These variables to take into account are important in your care. The Ficus microcarp It is a tree that grows in a tropical climate naturally. Therefore, it is necessary to have a climate that is similar to yours. Hot environments with sufficient sunlight to guarantee good development.

It also does not need excessive sunlight, since it can burn the leaves and seriously affect them. If we plant it in an area of ​​the garden where we have something shaded at some hours of the day where the sun is hotter, it is advisable to put it there to protect it from the harmful sun rays in summer. If we have placed it in a pot, it is enough to place it in the shade in the strongest hours of sun.

It is quite resistant to droughts, so irrigation should not be a problem. The winds are his weakness. Although it can withstand long-lasting gusts without a drop of water, the wind is its biggest problem. If we place it where the wind blows with frequency and intensity, we can make it weaken or die. It also does not withstand low temperatures for a long time. It must be remembered that it is a plant that comes from a tropical climate where temperatures are usually high most of the time.

As for the soil, it grows effectively in almost any type of soil. However, It needs the soil to be fertile, have a clay texture and be well drained so that we have the maximum result. If, on the other hand, we have a soil with less quality, it will still be able to continue growing but it may not do so in all its glory. Drainage is important, we must not let the irrigation water accumulate to prevent the roots from rotting.

Irrigation and pruning

Ficus microcarp

Ficus microcarpa

For irrigation, humidity must be taken into account more than the amount of water used in irrigation. We will provide your roots with the balanced moisture it needs to be healthy. Between watering and watering it is necessary to observe that the surface has dried to water again. You don’t have to let the soil dry out completely for your next watering in any way. This could affect his growth stage where he is more sensitive to different stimuli.

When the proportion of irrigation, light and wind change with the passing of the seasons, this tree tends to react with it. It is possible that its leaves fall because environmental conditions have changed and the plant interprets it as a change of season. If this happens, in about 15 days it stabilizes again on its own. Do not panic if this happens.

Regarding maintenance tasks, the Ficus microcarp it does not tolerate pruning well, since it has a rather slow healing system. In order not to harm your health with pruning, it is better to do them very little by little and more frequently than to do a very large pruning. The best time to carry out these maintenance prunings is in the fall, when the season is beginning. By no means do it in winter, because we would do a lot of damage to it.

Plagues and diseases

Potted Ficus microcarpa

Ficus microcarpa in pot

The Ficus microcarp he does not usually get sick since he has great endurance and strength. However, it is possible that, if we have it in the garden, it will be attacked by a plague such as trips and mealybugs. Thrips usually settle in Ficus that cause reddish spots on the leaves and if you go too far, the leaf will bend until it falls off.

Mealybugs come out in extremely dry climates. We can avoid this if we do the watering correctly without letting the soil dry out completely.

I hope that with these tips you can enjoy the Ficus microcarp in bonsai version.

Characteristics and care of Ficus microcarpa

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