Soil solarizationsoil solarization

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When a soil has been worked a lot for several years, in the end what you end up with is a field where fungi and bacteria proliferate and also a large number of wild herbs could grow, many more than usual.

An ecological way to disinfect the soil is with a method called solarization. It is very easy to do and, since you do not have to use any type of chemical product, it can be done whenever it is necessary.

What is it and when is it done?

Solarization it is a very effective method against soil fungi (Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium,…) that can affect the roots so much; but also against nematodes (soil worms), annual herbs and harmful bacteria. Thanks to this disinfection technique, it will be possible to have a land with more available nutrients, which will allow better growth and development of the plants.

The time to perform this method is during the summer season. It is essential that there is a high solar irradiation for it to have the desired effect. In the event that you are not convinced or if you live in an area with little radiation, remember that you can always (and in fact, it is something that is recommended) rotate crops so that the earth does not lose its nutrients.

How is the soil disinfected by solarization?

It is done as follows:

  1. The first thing to do is pass a rototiller to remove any weeds and stones.
  2. Afterwards, it is watered abundantly, so that the ground is well soaked at a depth of 40cm.
  3. The floor is then covered with thin, transparent polyethylene, leaving it taut. The edges must be underground so that the heat cannot escape.
  4. Finally, it is left like that for a month or month and a half. It can be repeated every 3-4 years if necessary.
Soil solarizationsoil solarization

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