How to plant hydrangeas: the best tips and tricks

how to plant hydrangeas

how to plant hydrangeas

The hydrangea is a shrub that grows between one and three meters in height. However, there are larger varieties that can grow as a tree or even as lianas up to thirty meters in height. It is native to Asia, especially China and Japan, where the variety is greater. Introduced to Europe by naturalists in 1727, it takes its name from the Horturum flower, which means “flower in the garden.” Currently, its cultivation has spread to many countries with temperate climates. Hydrangeas are also used as ornamental plants for their beauty. many people wonder how to plant hydrangeas.

For this reason, we are going to dedicate this article to telling you how to plant hydrangeas, what their characteristics are and what aspects you must take into account to do it correctly.

When should hydrangeas be planted?

potted hydrangeas

potted hydrangeas

Try to sow after winter as They are sensitive to temperatures below 12°C. It is best sown in spring when the weather is mild. If the cuttings are from a multiflora plant (many flowers), it is best to sow between April and June or January and March. If they are loose flowers, do it in spring.

When it comes to light requirements, hydrangeas like moderate light levels. Try to shade it when the sun is strongest, or let the light hit only one part. Usually heHigh temperatures and short days accelerate the formation of flower buds. An interesting aspect is that flowering can be induced by fertilization. Nitrogen deficiency, for example, accelerates bud formation.

Temperature also affects bud formation. The average temperature is 18°C ​​for a month and a half, and the flower buds grow well. Hydrangeas are low-temperature plants that grow best between 18-20°C during the day and 11-15°C at night. Under these conditions it produces long stems, vibrant leaves and large flowers. It hardly grows at temperatures below 4°C. Finally, they are associated with humid areas.

Preparation of the land

It is best to provide the soil with enough organic matter to increase flower production. In general, they grow best in clay loam soils. Avoid dry soils or mix with compost which will help retain moisturesuch as worm droppings or any other natural fertilizer. You can provide soil to increase drainage, since stagnation attracts diseases.

As for the pH, you can adjust it to your taste in color, but other factors such as the type and type of fertilizer you use also come into play.

  • Blue: Acid pH between 4,5 and 5.
  • Rose: pH between 6 and 6,5.

It is a plant that needs a lot of water and a lot of humidity. However, it is important not to submerge the plant, as this will overwhelm the root system. You just need to keep the soil moist on contact. We recommend drip irrigation. For a slightly more specialized planting, or if you have instruments to measure water, about 2.600-2.800 mm/year of water is required.

How to plant hydrangeas step by step

how to plant hydrangeas at home

how to plant hydrangeas at home

Hydrangeas can be sown from cuttings:

You can plant different varieties of hydrangeas together to add more vibrant colors to your garden or wherever you grow them. Hydrangeas are often attacked by whiteflies, thrips, aphids, and spider mites. There are several types of fungi that cause leaf and twig rot (b. cynerea).

Also, they are infested with a nematode that causes the stems to splay and stunts leaf growth. To prevent such diseases, be sure to provide cultures and sterilized substrates. Lastly, if you notice the leaves turning yellow and the leaves curling, It is not a fungus but lack of waterso that only with more watering can the problem be improved in a short time.

How to plant hydrangeas from seed

planting hydrangeas on cuttings

planting hydrangeas from cuttings

Follow these steps to grow hydrangeas:

  • Find an area in your garden where the hydrangeas get a few hours of mild sun in the morning but shelter the rest of the day, and check that the soil is well-draining.
  • If you plan to grow in a pot, prepare a fertile substrate with good properties by mixing equal parts peat, coconut fiber and worm humus, to which you can further improve the substrate by adding a few handfuls of vermiculite and perlite.
  • Remember that with a pH between 4,5 and 5 you will have blue flowers and between 6 and 6,5 the flowers will be more pink..
  • Prepare the hydrangea seeds. It is best to pick them fresh from other hydrangeas, or store them until the following spring at the latest. It is always recommended to sow the seeds in small containers or beds for greater control over the germination of the seeds, place them in an area illuminated with indirect light and keep the substrate moist but not submerged.
  • When sowing, it is not necessary to bury the seeds by more than 1-2 cm, and then water heavily, but spray frequently to avoid washing away the seeds.
  • Once the seeds have germinated and the seedlings have grown a few inches, you can transplant them into their final location or into large pots.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about how to plant hydrangeas and what aspects you should take into account.

How to plant hydrangeas: the best tips and tricks

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