Quince Growing Guide | Gardening On

View of the leaves and fruits of the Cydonia oblonga

View of the leaves and fruits of the Cydonia oblonga

The quince is a fruit tree that, although it is not as common as others (citrus, for example), it is a plant that is interesting to know because, in addition to producing edible fruits, these are also medicinal. In addition, it adds ornamental value to the garden, not only for its size, but also for its flowers.

So if you want to know everything about it, characteristics, care, etc., next we are going to talk about the quince.

Origin and characteristics

View of the quince tree

View of the quince tree

It is a deciduous tree that reaches a maximum height of 6 meterspopularly known as quince or quince. Its scientific name is Cydoniaand is originally from the Caucasus. The leaves are alternate, simple, 6 to 11cm long, and green in color.

The flowers, which bloom in spring, are composed of five white or pink petals. The fruit is a bright golden-yellow pommel 7 to 12cm long by 6 to 9cm wide.with the hard and aromatic pulp.

What are their cares?

If you want to have a copy, we recommend that you provide it with the following care:


When we go to buy a plant, one of the first things we have to do is find out in what climate or climates it could live well, since otherwise we will most likely end up running a high risk of wasting money in vain.

In the case of the tree in question, it is important to know that, although it can live in any temperate region, prefers areas where winters are long and cold and summers are mild.


Quince flowers are very pretty

Quince flowers are very pretty.

It is a plant that must be outside, in full sun. If you are in an area where during the summer season temperatures exceed 30ºC, better place it in semi-shade, or in a corner where you know that direct light will not give it more than a few hours (2-3) at sunrise or sunset .


  • Garden: it is very adaptable. Its development is optimal both in acidic soils (minimum pH: 5,6) and in alkaline ones (maximum pH: 7,2). However, it prefers clay loam that are capable of absorbing water quickly, and also have high fertility.
  • Flower pot: you can fill it with mulch mixed with 20% perlite. Get the first here! and the second by here!.


The quince it is very resistant to droughtso much so that if it is grown in irrigated land, it is necessary to try to water it rather little to prevent its roots from rotting. For this reason, if you are used to watering frequently and want to buy a specimen, I recommend that you check the humidity of the soil at least the first few times before adding water. This is done, for example, by inserting a thin wooden stick to the bottom (if it comes out practically clean when you extract it, you can water) or using a digital humidity meter.

When in doubt, and you want to go on safer, tell you that in general it is watered about 3 times a week during the summer (summer) and every 5-6 days the rest of the year.


Throughout the vegetative season (from spring to late summer / early autumn) you must pay it with organic fertilizers, such as sheep manure, of chicken or bat (guano), u others that surely you usually throw, like egg and banana peels.


It could late winter. As its growth rate is slow, you just have to trim the branches to give it the shape of a palmette or helical vessel. Also, it is important to remove those that are dry, diseased or broken, and the pacifiers.


You will know that the fruits of the quince are ready when the fruits begin to give off an intense smell and are left without the hairs that cover them. But it is important that you take them when they are completely dry, that is, without the droplets of moisture that usually form in autumn.


Jams are made with the fruits of the quince

Jams are made with the fruits of the quince

Multiply by seeds in spring and cuttings in autumn. Let’s see how to proceed in each case:


The step by step to follow is the following:

  1. The first thing to do is fill a seedling tray with universal growing medium and water thoroughly.
  2. Then, a maximum of two seeds are placed in each socket, and they are covered with a thin layer of substrate.
  3. Finally, it is watered again, this time with a sprayer / atomizer and the seedling tray is placed outside, in semi-shade.

They will germinate in about 1 month.


To multiply the quince, what is done the most is cut branches of about 30cm of semi-woody wood from the same year and then plant them upside downwith an inclination of 45º, in pots with universal cultivation substrate until spring, which will be when they are planted in their final locations.


It resists frosts of up to -18ºC.

What is the quince for?


It is a plant of great beauty, ideal to have as an isolated specimen, in groups or alignments.


Quince sweet is served as a dessertQuince jelly is served as a dessert

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fruit is used to make jams, compotes and puddings. It can also be consumed raw once frosted (that is, after having been prepared in such a way that the sugar it contains crystallizes), but it is hard, astringent and sour.

In countries such as Argentina and Uruguay, quince paste acquires great importance in traditional pastries, as well as the typical Argentine quince cheese.

Its nutritional value per 100 grams is as follows:

  • Carbohydrates: 15,3g (of which 1,9g are fiber)
  • Fat: 0,1g
  • Proteins: 0,4g
  • Vitamin B1: 0,02mg
  • Vitamin B2: 0,03mg
  • Vitamin B3: 0,2 mg
  • Vitamin B5: 0,081mg
  • Vitamin B6: 0,04mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid): 3 µ
  • Vitamin C: 15mg
  • Calcium: 11mg
  • Iron: 0,7mg
  • Magnesium: 8mg
  • Phosphorus: 17mg
  • Potassium: 197mg
  • Sodium: 4mg
  • Zinc: 0,04mg

How do you make quince paste?

  • 1kg of quince
  • 1kg of sugar
  • 15g pectin
  • OPTIONAL: Lemon juice
  • OPTIONAL: A small spoonful of white wine
Preparation mode
  1. The first thing to do is wash the quinces well with water.
  2. Afterwards, they are cut and the seeds are extracted. It does not matter to remove the skin.
  3. Then, they are placed in a pot with water and it is expected that it boils and that they are soft.
  4. The water is then drained from the pot, and the softened quinces are placed in the blender to puree them.
  5. The next step is to sieve the puree to make the texture less earthy.
  6. Finally, the sifted mass is placed over a low heat, the same amount of sugar and pectin are added. You have to stir frequently with a wooden spoon so that it does not stick to the bottom.
    This process takes about 15 minutes.

And ready! Now you can add the lemon juice or the small spoonful of white wine, leave it for a couple of minutes more, and you will be able to enjoy its flavor.

What are the benefits of quince?

The fruits and their seeds have medicinal properties. They are indicated for cases of gastritis, diarrhea, colds, bronchitis, pharyngitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. For external use also for hemorrhoids, chilblains and scalds.

The fruit of the quince is edible

The quince fruit is edible.

What did you think of this fruit tree?

Quince Growing Guide | Gardening On

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