What are the basic gardening tasks?

Gardeners with shovels

gardeners with shovels

To have a well-kept garden there are a series of jobs that the gardener or gardener must perform. Some are better known than others, but all of them are just as important. Getting a paradise at home is not really difficult, but if one or more of them were not done, it could not be achieved.

Therefore, we are going to tell you what are the basic gardening tasksand we also offer you a series of tips that will surely be useful to you .


Pine plantation on land

Pine plantation on land

It is the most basic, without a doubt. A garden without plants … it can be a Zen garden, but unless you want to have this one, it is very important that you plant trees, shrubs, succulents or those plants you want depending on the style you have chosen.

However, it is not enough to choose the right plants; they should be planted taking into account the size they will have once they reach adulthood. They may not look too good at first, but over time they will grow and fill in the empty space.

In addition, it is advisable do wide and deep planting holes to be able to mix the soil with organic compost (manure, compost, mulch) and allow the roots to start growing more quickly by having loose soil.

To water

Gardener watering with hose

Gardener watering with hose

Watering is an essential task that every gardener has to do. During the warm months you have to water more often than the rest of the yearas the land dries up faster. The best time to water will also depend on the season of the year in which we are: during the summer season it should be done at sunset, in winter it is advisable to do it in the morning, and in spring and autumn it can be watered whenever you want.

The leaves and flowers never have to get wetas they would burn. Always try to direct the water to one side of the stem or trunk.


Organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizer

Over time the soil in the garden runs out of nutrients. This would not be a problem if the leaves and flowers were left that, when they dried, fell, since as they decompose, the plants would recover part of the nutrients they used to produce them. But of course, normally what you do is precisely remove them to make it look more beautiful.

Therefore, it is very necessary fertilize them every year with organic fertilizers. This type of fertilizer is very beneficial for the soil and for the life in it, since it not only provides nutrients but does not harm them in any way, something that chemical fertilizers do.

Although it is advisable to spread them in autumn and winter, I am going to recommend that you also do it in spring and summer. Why? Because plants need eat all year: in the warm months they grow, develop, flower and bear fruit; in the cold they have to stay alive in some way, and they do that as they have been doing throughout the season: absorbing nutrients from the soil.


Gardener pruning hedges

gardener trimming hedges

Pruning is a task that must be done in order to keep the growth and development of plants under control. You have to use tools previously disinfected with pharmacy alcohol to prevent the plant in question from getting sick. But, When?

  • Deciduous woody plants are pruned in winter, evergreens in early spring.
  • Vivacious and seasonal plants are trimmed in spring or fall, and can be pruned more often if they are fast growing.
  • Medicinal plants are trimmed after flowering.

What is there to remove? The next:

  • Dry, diseased or broken branches or stems.
  • Branches or stems that have had an exaggerated growth.
  • Withered / dried flowers and fruits.
  • Sprouts.
  • Branches that have completely green leaves on variegated plants.

Control pests and diseases

Spider mite damageRed spider damage

Red spider damage.

If they receive the amount they need of light, water and compost, it will be difficult for them to get sick, and if they do they will be able to recover quite well. Still, leaves, stems, and flowers should be inspected frequently for any possible signs of disease or pests. The most common problems are:

As always, Prevention is better than cure so it is important to carry out preventive treatments with organic insecticides and fungicides, such as neem oil or potassium soap, or with copper, sulfur or cinnamon, respectively. In the case of geraniums, they must be treated with Cypermethrin 10% every 15 days during the warm months to prevent the geranium butterfly.

Eliminate wild herbs

Wild grass

wild grass

Wild grasses, better known as weeds, grow very fast; so much so that if they were not controlled they would end up invading the entire garden. To avoid it, you have to root them out and with a hoe, or passing the walking tractor. Then you can put a anti-weed mesh or, if you want something more natural and / or aesthetic, gravel, pine bark, arlite or decorative stones.

All in all, you can have the garden of your dreams .

What are the basic gardening tasks?

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