Can you take out insurance for the garden?

Is it a good idea to have garden insurance?

Is it a good idea to have yard insurance?

For many, their garden is their little paradise. An extension of the home in which wonderful moments of relaxation and disconnection are lived, and where, consequently, memories are created … which no one expects to be clouded by a devastating storm or theft.

There are more and more houses, and especially chalets, that have a bit of land to grow a wide variety of plants for your personal enjoyment. That’s why It is worth wondering if it is worth taking out garden insuranceor at least, find out if home insurance also covers this area of ​​what is your refuge and that of your family.

How valuable is the garden to you?

Home insurance can cover the garden

Home insurance can cover the garden

The garden is a simply wonderful place. It is the home where it is easy to breathe peace and tranquility. Simply inspecting the leaves of the plants, looking for a rebellious mealybug that may be feeding on them or a fungus that is damaging them from within, serves to disconnect from work and day-to-day problems.

In addition, it is the area where you can gather your family and / or friends to, for example, celebrate birthday parties or a dinner. Who else who least enjoys being outdoors, so if that ‘outdoors’ is embellished with trees, shrubs and some flowers, apart from a few pieces of furniture to rest, the experience is going to be, for sure, very pleasant.

In fact, when you go to design one, one of the first things you have to think about is how you want to use itbecause that, in the end, is what is going to give it the value that it will really have for you.

I am not referring only to the material value, of the furniture, fountains or other types of structures that you are going to place, but also the sentimental value. At the beginning, the budget is what will determine, to a large extent, whether you buy wooden or plastic furniture, or adult or small plants. But as time passes, the sentimental value is gaining strengthsurpassing the material on many occasions.

This becomes more palpable when something unexpected happens, like a robbery or a torrential rain accompanied by strong gusts of wind that let trees fall from the garden. It is clear that none of this is expected to happen, but they already say that it’s better to prevent than to cureor at least, in case something like this happens, have the help that allows us to solve it and move on.

And that’s where home insurance can come into play (on this web you have more information).

Why is it interesting that home insurance covers the garden?

Protect your garden by securing it

Protect your garden by securing it

When you are going to buy a home or when it has already been done, home insurance goes ‘almost’ with the price of the house. And I say almost because, obviously, it is something that you decide whether to hire it or not. But if you end up opting for one, don’t hesitate to ask if your garden is also covered.

But What exactly can it cover? Well, each insurance company works differently, but in general the most common risks are covered. These risks are the following:

  • Damage as a result of meteorological phenomena: be it by hail or snow, strong storms, … These can do a lot of damage both to the garden and, of course, to the furniture.
  • Theft, that is, theft of things that you had storedIn other words, when something is taken from you without permission but also without violence, it is considered theft.
  • Theft: if they take something from you by force, with violence, they are robbing you.

In any case, find out well because depending on the policy contracted, you may be covered for theft, for example, but not theft.

What should be considered when hiring an insurance to protect the garden?

The garden can be damaged after a meteorological phenomenon

The garden can be damaged after a weather phenomenon

No two gardens are the same. Some are bigger, others smaller; some are next to a semi-detached house, and others are on lots where there are chalets. Also, in some there will be more furniture than in others. When hiring insurance, the characteristics and everything on the ground must be taken into consideration so that the company can calculate the price including what you really need.

And it is that, to give you an idea, a garden can have an area of ​​only 50 square meters, but if it has elements of great value, the price of insurance will be higher than if the garden is three times as large and not It has no furniture.

Therefore, we hope that we have clarified some doubts about home insurance… and garden insurance .

Can you take out insurance for the garden?

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