Planting bulbs in November..


Planting bulbs in November photo description agronomists strongly recommend continuing to plant ALL bulbs until the end of November, because this is the perfect time to plant this year!

Our adventure “planting bulbs at home” we usually start in summer or early autumn, when we admire their beauty, immortalized in the photographs in the FLORIUM Autumn catalog. Be sure to choose the bulbs and tubers that are best for your garden and that you have been dreaming of buying for a long time. To enjoy bulbous plants in the spring for years to come, just follow the basic rules for planting them in the fall.

Planting bulbs in November

You often ask us: “Planting tulips and other bulbous plants in November – is it too late or not yet?

Many bulbous plants are best planted in September-October, but sometimes it is worth planting them as late as possible. Recall that if you live in a hot climate, then most bulbs can be planted before winter. Tulips are also planted late, which often germinate during cold weather and freeze. Hyacinths should be planted late. For landing, they like air temperature of about eight degrees Celsius. However, the climatic conditions of Ukraine today (abnormally warm autumn) allow you to stretch the planting of bulbous flowers at home without damaging the plants. The optimum temperature for planting most bulbous flowers is 9-10 ° C (i.e., this is the period from the end of October to the first decade of November). It is under this temperature regime that the successful rooting of bulbous flowers occurs.

Even if the ground is covered in snow, this can also be an ideal time to plant bulbs outdoors.

Planting bulbous flowers in autumn

For growers in zones 4-7, early winter is often the ideal time to plant because the bulbs need the cold. And if you live in a colder climate but have unused bulbs, you can still salvage them. Happy gardeners have told us stories about how they planted tulips in mid-December (we’ll cover that in the next article). True, with such late plantings, the flowering period was also slightly shifted. But most importantly, their bulbs did not disappear.

Many gardeners live by the rules that bulbs should be planted during warm weather. In fact, the bulbs do need a few months of cold. Therefore, they will feel better in frosty ground than stored in your basement. As long as the bulbs are round and firm and not dried out, they still have life.

All our plants that we deliver in October-November are suitable for planting in the garden only “Already and Now!

Before putting the bulb and bulbs in the ground, we must prepare the substrate. Also, good drainage is a must. For the winter, planting should be mulched. Good material is spruce branches (slightly acidifies the soil), leaves or sawdust. In addition, a thick layer of snow should be left in winter, where bulbous plants are planted. This is a natural barrier. The shelter can be removed in March or April so the plants can grow faster.

Planting tulip bulbs in autumn

Basic Rules:

  • Choose a place to plant your tulip bulbs in the fall that gets plenty of full sun during the day and is sheltered from strong winds (except for low-growing varieties).
  • The soil must be fertile and well-drained.
  • Planting depth should be 2-3 bulb heights.
  • Leave a free space of 10 to 15 cm around each bulb to provide enough space for their growth and good root development.
  • Compact the soil after planting and water the plants sparingly (if needed).
  • Mulch the plantings with an 8 cm layer of organic mulch as soon as the ground begins to freeze in the pre-winter period. Remove the mulch in early spring as soon as new plant growth begins.

Planting daffodil bulbs in autumn

Basic Rules:

  • Unlike tulips and lilies, daffodils are less demanding on growing conditions.
  • Some varieties (mostly wild) of daffodils without transplantation in one place can grow up to 10 years.
  • The most important thing is to choose a suitable place for their growth.
  • Daffodil bulbs should be planted in full sun or partial shade. The soil should be light and well-drained, neutral to slightly alkaline.
  • Daffodils grow well in a quiet, sunny or lightly shaded location (but require at least three hours of full sun per day).
  • In order for plants to develop well, the soil must contain a lot of humus. Therefore, before planting, add humus and compost to the soil. However, in no case do not use manure, as it can cause the appearance of a narcissus fly, a dangerous pest.
  • If the soil is acidic, then a year before planting daffodils, make it known. It is very effective to introduce wood ash into the soil (1 tbsp per sq. M).
  • The flowering of daffodils can be enjoyed for several weeks in a row – from early April to mid-May. They are good not only in the garden, but can also be used to create bouquets. Cutting does not weaken the plant, as is the case with tulips.

Planting hyacinth bulbs in autumn

Basic Rules:

  • Before planting, hyacinth bulbs should be treated with a fungicide or other drug.
  • It is recommended to plant hyacinths in special baskets for planting bulbs. This solution largely protects the underground part of the plants from pests and rodents and, in addition, makes it easy to find the bulbs after flowering.
  • The depth and density of planting depends on the size of the bulbs, species and variety.
  • You can use the rule that says that the layer of soil on the bulbs should be about 2 times the height of the bulb.
  • However, as a standard, the bulb is placed at a depth of 8-10 cm with a planting pattern of 15x15cm.
  • Hyacinth bulbs should be covered in fertile, well-drained soil.

Planting crocus bulbs

You will be delighted if you leave the crocus unattended and it will multiply year after year.

Basic Rules:

Planting bulbs on the balcony step by step

Hardy perennial flowers, thanks to their bright and long flowering, can become a decoration for high-rise buildings. The easiest way to grow bulbs on a balcony is to plant boxes of excellent quality bulbs from Holland in containers.

Step 1.

Choose a container large enough and with mandatory drainage holes. Place a few shards or expanded clay or pebbles on the bottom. Thus, excess moisture can be avoided.

Step 2

Fill the pot or container with soil until it reaches the correct depth for planting the bulbs.

Step 3

Place the bulbs on top of this soil and cover them with earth (leaving 2 cm from the edge of the pot). Bulbs in pots and containers can actually be planted in more “close cooperation” close together than in the garden. For a varied, more natural look, try planting bulbous plants of different heights in the same container.

You can also plant flower bulbs in layers (also known as sandwich or lasagne systems) either in the garden or in containers.

Bulbs of plants that bloom last (for example, tulips) are planted in the lowest layer. Bulbous plants that bloom early – such as crocuses or hyacinths – are planted higher. Planting in layers will not have any negative effects on the bulbs themselves. They will just bloom one after another in the same place. Therefore, only one pot is able to “provide flowers” for many weeks.

Step 4

Provide water. Bulbs should be watered immediately after planting. Moisture stimulates them to produce roots.

Step 5

Protect container bulbs. Flower bulbs can tolerate cold winter temperatures. But do not plant them too close to the walls of the pot, because this is a very vulnerable place where frost can penetrate. You can wrap the pots with insulating material (if the winters are warm) or place them temporarily in a frost-free place where the air temperature does not exceed 13 ° C (if the winters are cold). Please note that terracotta pots can crack in winter (due to the expansion of the soil inside them during frosty weather). You can prevent this problem by planting flower bulbs in plastic containers. And in the spring, plastic containers can be placed already in terracotta containers.

Planting hippeastrum bulbs

Many species have been acclimated to produce modern hybrids. And most of these species are able to experience warm, humid conditions with abundant rainfall throughout the year and a short, cool dry season (during dormancy). When to plant hippeastrum or amaryllis bulbs?

Basic Rules:

  • Hippeastrums or amaryllis need a period of six to ten weeks from planting to flowering. Therefore, it is easy to calculate the time of planting the bulb in order to get flowers for the New Year and Christmas. It will be mid November.
  • Be careful not to plant the hippeastrum too deep. At least a third of the bulb should be visible above the soil surface. Also, do not plant the bulb in a pot that is more than twice the diameter of the bulb.
  • Water your plants immediately after transplanting. The soil should be moderately moist. Place the amaryllis in a warm place to encourage the growth of its roots. A sunny location is the best option. Do not keep Amaryllis that are in their growth phase in dim light. Wait until the first flower opens. And then it is already desirable to move the plant to a place with subdued light and lower temperatures. In this way, you will be able to keep the amaryllis flower as long as possible.
  • Keep blooming amaryllis cool. Enjoy the amaryllis bloom for the holidays. And in order to continue the flowering period (from the maximum possible time), place the plant in a place with diffused light and cool temperatures, in the aisles of 15-16 ° C. Keep the soil barely moist. When watering, be careful not to get water on the top of the bulb that is above the soil surface. Each large amaryllis bulb produces 2-3 peduncles. And the flowers on the stems bloom for several weeks.

PS Friends, share your secrets of growing bulbous flowers. We will be very grateful.

Read our previous article Planting Bulbs: 10 Important Tips

Published: 09.11.2019

Planting bulbs in November..

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