How to grow panicled phlox? – planting, care, photos, how to grow and harvest

phlox-success (1)The most popular are panicled phlox. They have erect stems that reach a height of 40-50 cm (low-growing varieties) to 150-170 cm (tall varieties). Their flowers are of various colors with a delicate aroma. And the bloom is lush and colorful. Panicled phlox differ from other garden flowers in endurance and are the most winter-hardy. They are ideal for beginner gardeners. If you plant phloxes with different flowering periods (early flowering, medium flowering and late flowering) in the garden, then you can enjoy the riot of their colors from June to September!

Light and soil. Phloxes are light and thermophilic plants. Therefore, they do well in full sun or partial shade. They will take root in rich, cultivated and moist soil. In addition, the soil should be air and moisture permeable, slightly acidic or neutral. If the soil is clayey, you need to loosen it with compost, peat, coarse sand. For example, for 1 sq.m. add the following mixture of compost (5-6 kg), peat (7-8 kg), coarse sand (5-6 kg) and wood ash (1-1.5 cups), as well as potassium sulfate and nitrophoska (1 table . spoons of each). If the soil is sandy, you need to make compost and clay soil. Phloxes do not tolerate excess moisture well, so low-lying areas should be avoided. Plants should be mulched after planting.

growth pattern. Vertically growing phlox varieties can grow strongly. Therefore, they require a lot of free space around (at least 60 cm). Phloxes are suitable for creating borders, look good in mixed flower beds, and also in containers. They pair well with each other or with other ornamental perennials. But remember! Excessive variegation is tiring for the eyes. Therefore, plant bright phlox against the background of plants with expressive dark green leaves. In one place, phloxes grow for 5-7 years (depending on the variety and living conditions). But every 4-5 years it is better to transplant them to a new site, as they grow and their flowering is not as lush as that of “young” plants.

Watering. Avoid stagnant water and overdrying of the soil. Phloxes need abundant watering, especially during the period of active growth and budding. Water them also abundantly in especially hot weather or when there is no rain for a long time. When watering, direct water contact with the plant should be avoided, as moisture can lead to powdery mildew disease.

top dressing. It is recommended to fertilize phloxes in the same way as other perennials. The first time they are fed at the beginning of active growth. Suitable liquid or dry fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen. For example, mix compost or humus (1 bucket) and urea (2 tablespoons). This mixture is enough for 2-3 bushes (scatter around the plants). You can use “Kemira”. The second time – apply fertilizer during the budding period, and the third – after the end of flowering. For example, feed the plants a second time with liquid fertilizer, which consists of “Agricola for flowering plants” (1 tablespoon), “Flower” (1 tablespoon), nitrophoska (2 tablespoons) and water (1 bucket). This liquid is enough for 2-3 bushes. And after flowering, sprinkle a mixture of peat or compost (1 bucket) and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (2 tablespoons) under the bushes. Don’t overfeed your plants!

reproduction. Phloxes are easily propagated by dividing bushes, seeds and cuttings. You can divide and transplant them both in spring (in May) and in autumn (in August-September). Although phloxes grow in one place for many years, bushes should be rejuvenated every 4-5 years.

Potential Issues. In too wet soils, phloxes can get sick with fungal diseases (powdery mildew, spotting, rust). It can also be caused by prolonged periods of cold, damp weather. Therefore, plants must be planted in a well-ventilated area of ​​the garden. Rarely, phloxes can be affected by the variegation virus (chaotic veins are clearly visible on the petals, which are a tone or two lighter than the color of the petals themselves). In this case, dig up the damaged plant with a clod of earth and discard.

Attention! In autumn, it is necessary to cut off the ground part under the root.

Published: 14.08.2014

How to grow panicled phlox? – planting, care, photos, how to grow and harvest

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