Why do peppers have brown spots?

Why do brown spots appear on bell peppers?

Why do brown spots appear on peppers?

All those crops that we have raised can be targets of pests and diseases. The pepper was not going to be less. You may have noticed that brown spots appear on peppers. The origin of the brown spots on bell peppers it can be very varied.

Therefore, we are going to dedicate this article to tell you why brown spots and peppers appear and what their treatment is.

Pepper diseases

pepper seeds

pepper seeds

Powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica, Phytophtora capsici, Alternaria solana). Fungal disease in which we find that the yellow spots on the upper part of the leaves they quickly become necrotic and a white powder appears underneath.

Pepper dryness is a sudden and irreversible wilting of the entire plant, without fallen leaves, especially when the fruit is developing. In addition, necrosis can be observed in the neck (the lowest part of the stem that borders the substrate) and in root rot. It can occur in isolated plants or by phylogeny.

Neck and root rot. Usually due to Phytophthora. Pythium, Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotinia. Wait until the seedlings have wilted and the neck appears strangled and rotten.

Lumps on pepper roots: produced by nematodes. The plants infected with Nematodes exhibit stunting, wilting, chlorosis, deformation, and warts (nodules on the roots). Distributed in stands (plants form more or less circular areas) or along irrigation lines.

Pepper virus: symptoms are mosaic-on-leaf, dwarfing, chlorotic-rings (yellow), curling-and-curling of leaves, fruit deformities with spots or wavy rings… Symptoms vary (although yellow leaves on peppers are usually a common denominator) and there are several types of orchard viruses that can affect peppers.

Brown spots on peppers

spots on pepper

spots on pepper

Next we are going to see what are the various diseases that can cause brown spots on peppers. Some common ailments in peppers are blossom end rot, scald or sunburn, and color spots on the peel or stem tip.

blossom end rot

One of the most important symptoms They are the water spots on the top or side of the fruits. The stains will expand, dry and sag over time and take on the appearance of leather. The disease is caused by a localized calcium deficiency beginning with insufficient calcium levels or, more commonly, when the fruit grows rapidly and soil moisture is insufficient. To avoid bloom rot, keep calcium levels in the optimum range and practice good moisture management.


The tissue is damaged and appears white. Ripe green fruits are susceptible to the disease. To avoid sunburn, choose varieties with good leaf cover to protect fruit, and take steps to avoid areas where plants will droop. When the plant is drooping (stems bent downward), the fruit may be exposed to direct sunlight, which can cause sunburn.

Brown spots on peppers

The dotted “stip” (color spots on the shell) they are not as common as bloom end rot and burn. The symptoms of “Stip” are slightly sunken dark spots on the fruit (“Stip” means “freckle” in German). Although the exact cause is unknown, calcium deficiency and excess nitrogen and potassium are thought to contribute to the disease. To avoid stips, it is necessary to develop a good nutrition management plan. It is also important to choose the right variety to manage the “Stip”. Experiments are currently underway to obtain more information on Stip-susceptible bell pepper varieties. This Stip is the cause of the brown spots on the peppers.

Phytophthora blight

Unfortunately, this devastating disease has become very common in recent years. Symptoms include dark, water-soaked lesions that may form rings on the lower stems. Plants wither suddenly and die quickly. Leaves may develop dark green water-soaked lesions that dry to a pale copper color. The fruit develops greenish-brown spots and has a greasy appearance until the entire surface of the fruit is affected.

Crop management strategies include the use of resistant varieties, good crop rotation, hygiene, good soil drainage, and good water management.

Bacterial stain

Bacterial spot symptoms include round, water-soaked brown spots on leaves without concentric bands or halos. These spots may merge to form long dark streaks.. In severe cases of ecstasy, the leaves curl downward.

Management strategies through cultural practices include the use of resistant varieties, disease-free seedlings, and good crop rotation. Maintain good nutrient management and quickly integrate crop residues after harvest to accelerate decomposition and minimize bacterial overwintering in the field.


Anthracnose symptoms include round sunken spots on the leaves and ripe fruit. Over time, black spores develop in the center of the spot. Management strategies through cultural practice include crop rotation and fruit removal in the early stages of infection in the field.

Why do brown spots appear on peppers?

brown spots on peppers

brown spots on peppers

Physiological diseases are separate problems from pepper diseases and insect pests. They are caused by abiotic factors, that is, stress due to unsuitable environmental conditions. They can be caused by deficiencies or excesses of nutrients, cold or heat, drought or mismanagement of irrigation or salinity.

You have to know that poor pepper cultivation treatment conditions can cause the attraction of pests and diseases. Ideally, in both cases, the problem should be identified as soon as possible in order to establish guidelines and strategies to alleviate the problems.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about brown spots and peppers and what are the diseases that cause it.

Why do peppers have brown spots?

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