How to straighten a leaning tree. Tips and Tricks

Leaning trees can be corrected to straighten them

Leaning trees can be corrected to straighten them

The vast majority of trees need a minimum of two years for their root system to develop enough so that they can be more or less safe on days when the wind blows with a certain intensity, and even longer to withstand the onslaught of intense storms. or hurricanes. If during that period they do not have any help, it is most likely that they will end up growing crooked. Therefore, it is important to know how to straighten a leaning tree.

If you need to know how to straighten a leaning tree, then we will explain everything you have to do.

How to straighten a leaning tree

Guides for learning how to straighten a leaning tree

Guides to learn how to straighten a leaning tree

Young trees, as well as those that have only been planted in the ground for a short time, are very vulnerable to strong winds. One day they may be fine, growing normally, but after a few months (or years) we will see that it will begin to produce more branches on one side of the crown and less on the other, and that its trunk will lean in the direction that it is most likely to be. the wind usually follows.

So that this does not happen, or to fix it, there is nothing like putting a tutor or several if they have a certain size. But how? Very easy:

  • Young trees: If the plant is up to two meters high, simply nail a wooden stake to the ground with the help of a mallet or hammer, next to the trunk, and secure it with one or two plastic ties. I also use iron rods, which weigh more and withstand strong winds better.
  • Adult trees: if it measures more than two meters, then it will be necessary to place two stakes or a maximum of three.
    In the case of living in a very windy area, the ideal is to dig two holes about 40cm deep, on opposite sides of the tree, about 30cm from the trunk, insert a tutor and glue it with a mixture of sand and cement (3 parts of sand for 1 of cement). Then, we will fasten both tutors to the tree with a rope.

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Tree capacity

Most people prefer that their trees can grow straight and tall so that they are completely healthy. We know that there are inclement weather that can cause the tree to twist. Among these inclemencies we have storms, wind, snow and rain. There are some trees that are more susceptible than others and can be damaged by these elements. Sometimes a guide is needed so that the tree can be straight again. To do this, we must know well how to straighten a tree devised the capacity that trees have.

In most cases, if a tree is young enough, it can be easily straightened. Some gardeners believe that trees grow best without staking. However, there may be some circumstances in which it is necessary to bet on retaining the trees to prevent them from leaning. As with some diseases, it is interesting to avoid bending before trying to straighten it once it has been tilted. And it is that redemption is always the best tool.

Newly purchased trees that have a very small root ball are not able to support root ball growth. There are also other trees that have some very thin stems that bend under their own weight. Lastly, sprouts planted in an extremely windy location are also prone to tipping. In these circumstances it can be interesting to learn how to straighten the leaning tree.

How to make a straight tree

Leaning trees can fall if they are not straightened

Leaning trees can fall if they are not straightened

We are talking about how to start a leaning tree when the important thing is to make a straight tree. The purpose of staking is to get the root system strong and established enough that it can support the trunk on its own. You want to stake a tree and let the team take care of keeping it at bay during a growing season. Stakes should be made of sturdy wood or metal and should be approximately 1,5 meters long.

Most of the trees that are younger they just need a stake and a rope. Those that are larger or those in continuous wind conditions will need more. It is interesting to adapt the number of stakes to the needs of each one.

To straighten the tree, simply place the stake in the ground at the edge of the planting hole so that the stake is upwind. It is important to fasten with a rope or wire but never around the trunk of a tree. The bark of a tree is brittle and can lead to injuries. With the tree trunk to the cable tie with something flexible can be from the bicycle wheel. Gradually it may be desirable to squeeze the cable to support or pull the tree tilted upward.

How to straighten a leaning tree after uprooting

Learn how to straighten a leaning tree

Learn how to straighten a leaning tree

In order to learn how to straighten a leaning tree that has been uprooted, there are some rules to follow. The first of all is that One-third to one-half of the root system should still be firmly planted in the ground. Exposed roots must be intact or relatively intact. If they are roots that are already too affected by the exposure of geological agents, it will not be possible to root again.

We need to remove as much soil as possible under the exposed roots to smoothly align the tree. The roots must be replanted below grade level. The soil must be firmly placed around the roots and two or three wires must be connected to the tree. It must be anchored about 3,5 meters from the trunk. If the mature tree is in the ground and the roots are still firmly planted, the situation is quite difficult. And it is not possible to fix this type of leaning tree. Although not easy, straightening a tree or preventing it from leaning can take a little knowledge and patience.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about how to straighten a leaning tree.

How to straighten a leaning tree. Tips and Tricks

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