Planting leeks: characteristics, step by step and requirements

seeded leeks

seeded leeks

One of the companions of any soup par excellence throughout history is the leek. It is a crop that gives dishes an incredible flavor and many recipes include it. One of the advantages it offers over other crops is that you can plant leeks throughout the year. If we want to plant leeks in our garden, we do not have to wait for any specific time of the year.

In this article we are going to tell you all the characteristics and what you should take into account to learn how to plant leeks.

Key features

sow leeks

plant leeks

We are talking that leeks, like garlic, have exceptional nutritional properties. It is a type of plant with many healthy properties that should be included in all types of diets. In this way, we get our body to incorporate the necessary nutrients for proper functioning. We are going to highlight what are the main properties that the leek has:

  • Antiseptic and digestive properties. It is very good for those who have digestion problems.
  • Emollient, laxative and tonic properties. It is perfect for those who have trouble going to the bathroom.
  • It contains large amounts of vitamins A, B, C and PP.
  • Among the minerals they contain we have sulfur, bromine, calcium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, and chlorine.

All these properties make the leek a very interesting type of plant when it comes to adding it to the diet. They can be cooked in different ways and if they are grown without chemical additions of both fertilizers and herbicides, they will have much better properties and taste.

Plant leeks

how to sow leeks

how to plant leeks

We are going to see what are the different aspects that you must take into account when sowing leeks. First of all, take into account the time of year. As we have said before, it can be sown practically any part of the year. However, it is much better to sow during the months that go from February to July and September. Since they are crops that adapt well to any temperature and time of year, it is not necessary to wait at any specific time. Once we know how to plant leeks, we must know that the harvest only takes approximately 5-6 weeks from sowing.

To start sowing leeks we must know that the land must be very moved and previously tilled. In addition, it must contain some properties necessary for these crops to develop well. Among these properties we find a high content of organic matter, a fresh and loose texture. To be able to fertilize the soil and contain the nutrients that the crop needs, organic matter can be used in the form of manure or compost but that are very decomposed. The ideal is to use some planting places that have had enough fertilizer such as tomato or aubergine cultivation.

When it comes to planting leeks, we see that it is quite easy. This campus is made to expedite the procedures. In case they are grown with seed, the seed must be introduced approximately 10 centimeters deep. In any case, we must leave spaces of approximately 10 centimeters between each plant so that they do not bother when it comes to growing or competing for soil resources.

The time of harvest is known when the stems reach approximately 15-20 centimeters in height.


growing crops

growing crops

Let’s see what only requirements the crop needs. First of all is sun exposure. Without prolonged sun exposure, these crops will not be able to develop. Leeks are quite rustic plants that cope very well with almost any type of climate. They are usually cold resistant, so they can get through winters without problems. Cultivation can be started in early spring to speed up growth. In any case, a warmer and more pleasant temperature leads to these crops growing much more strongly. We are talking about temperatures that are between 18-25 degrees.

During the hottest summers and with little rainfall, we must water more often to conserve soil moisture. As we have said before, to plant leeks you need the soil to be rich in humus and to be loose and fresh. You have to be constantly aware that the soil does not lack moisture. They are not crops that like heavy, compact and hardened soils. It is better to dig by hand if the soil is very hard and water a little earlier to loosen the soil. It is convenient to remove the stones that there is on the way for a correct growth.

As for irrigation, the best option is drip irrigation. In this way, we optimize water consumption and provide the necessary humidity that the crop needs continuously. We should not worry excessively about the watering of this plant except in the summer time. In the summer periods, special care must be taken so that these plants receive the enough water they need. Leeks They are plants that need a certain amount of moisture most of the time. If they do not have this humidity, they end up suffering.

Planting leeks step by step

Let’s see what are the main steps to do to plant leeks. The seeds are very delicate as is the case with the onion. It is more recommendable buy plants already grown to make the whole process much easier. By sowing the templates and putting in some compost, we have almost all the work done. The humidity around the plant must be constantly monitored so that it remains constant, especially during planting time.

One of the tricks that is recommended to ensure good growth and development is low padding or any other organic component. The main objective is to be able to cover the earth to keep moisture much better. You can put a layer of haystack on the ground to plant leeks.

Among the care that must be taken to keep crops in good condition is to eliminate weeds. They are usually a strong competition for these crops. Too you have to watch out for possible pests and diseases.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about how to plant leeks.

Planting leeks: characteristics, step by step and requirements

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