Homemade pergolas are much cheaper

Homemade pergolas are much cheaper

An extremely decorative element that is becoming more and more fashionable in gardens and on terraces are pergolas. These structures give us a lot of play when it comes to beautifying our surroundings, but they tend to be somewhat expensive. To save a little money, it is best to make a homemade pergola ourselves.

For us to do well, we will explain in this article how to make a homemade pergola step by step I am sure you will be very satisfied with your work!

How to make an easy and cheap pergola?

A homemade pergola is easy to assemble

A homemade pergola is easy to assemble

Once we are clear about where to locate the pergola, it is time to get down to work. Next we will explain step by step how to make a homemade wooden pergola attached to the wall, which is the simplest and safest.

Step 1: Prepare the posts

The first thing we must do if we want to set up a homemade pergola is prepare the posts. Let’s see how to do it:

  1. First of all we must cut the two posts using a hand saw or a chainsaw. Before cutting, the cutting lines must be marked. Another option is to buy custom posts to save us this task.
  2. Then it’s time to draw two diagonals on one of the heads, for this we will use a square. Right at the central point of the two diagonals will go the threaded rod of the adjustable support, but for this we must open a hole. We will do this with a drill and a spade bit whose diameter is greater than that of the rod.
  3. Then it’s time to make some guide holes with the drill bit and we will use the plate as an aid.
  4. Next we must tie the metal piece using barraquero screws using a socket wrench and the drill.
  5. Exactly the same thing we have to repeat in the other post.

Step 2: Prepare the joists

The next step is to prepare the joists. We must follow these points with all but two, which we will use to create the beam that we will attach to the wall later:

Pergola in gardenpergola in garden

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How to decorate the pergola?

  1. If we have not ordered them to measure, we must first cut the joists as we have explained in the point of preparing the posts.
  2. Then you have to shape the ends, for which we will use a template that has two drawings. One will help us to give the undulation to one of the ends, while the other must reflect the necessary angle so that we can later fix the joists to the structure. With the template placed at one end, we will trace the outline. At the other end we will use the other drawing, which should correspond to an angle of 15º.
  3. Next, it is time to cut the ends with a jigsaw, which is provided with an extra long blade specifically for wood.

We must repeat these three steps with all the other joists, except for two, which will be the beam that we will fix to the wall later on. Let’s see how to do it:

  1. First we will join the two pieces of wood that we have saved. To do this, it is best to cut the ends at an angle so that the joint is more solid.
  2. With a wood drill bit and a drill, make some holes in the wood so that we can fix them to the wall later.
  3. Then you have to join both pieces by means of clamps right at the ends cut at an angle.
  4. Now it’s time to make some guide holes and fix the two pieces with some lag screws.

Before starting to assemble the structure, First we must sand the wood to make it smooth. Then you have to clean the dust produced and we can move on to step 3.

Step 3: Assemble the structure

You have to follow certain steps to make a homemade pergola

You have to follow certain steps to make a homemade pergola

Finally we have assemble the structure of the homemade pergola. To do this we must follow these steps:

  1. First of all, we must place the beam at a height of about 2,40 meters on the wall and, using the help of the level, mark the fixing points. Using a ten millimeter widia bit and a percussion drill, we are going to make the holes.
  2. Then it’s time to remove the piece and finish the holes. This time we will use a specific 16-millimeter drill bit for drilling concrete.
  3. Now you have to clean the inside of the holes and, if it is a hollow wall, insert sieves.
  4. Let’s go now with the chemical wad. In the nozzle of the cartridge we will place the mixing cannula. We put this cartridge in the gun and press until the mixture is homogeneous. Then we fill the holes, inserting the nozzle to the bottom.
  5. While the product is still fresh, the threaded rods must be inserted. It is important to turn them slowly so that air bubbles do not form. Then it’s time to wait for the chemical block to finish hardening to be able to place the beam. To do this we will match the rods with the holes.
  6. Then we must tie the piece very well with nuts and washers. We can tighten them using a fixed wrench.
  7. Now it’s time to mark the fixing points on the ground. For this we will present the adjustable bases where they should go.
  8. With a ten millimeter widia bit and the drill we will make the holes.
  9. Then you have to clean the holes and apply the chemical plug.
  10. Before this product dries, we must introduce the threaded rods, again slowly.
  11. The next step is to fit the base and fix it with washers and nuts. We must do the same with the other adjustable metal base.
  12. Then it’s time to insert the posts and turn them until they have the height we want. The most recommended is check that they are completely vertical with the help of the square level.
  13. Then you have to place the joist designed for the front of the pergola. It is important that the margin is the same on both sides and check its horizontality with the level.
  14. Now you have to attach an extra long wood drill bit to the drill and make the fixing holes.
  15. Using that same tool with a suitable tip, it is time to fix the joist with lag screws.
  16. We can now place the first crossbar. We fixed it both to the beam tied to the wall and to the front beam with direct insertion lag screws.
  17. We will do the same with the other joists. It is very important that the space between them is always the same.
  18. Next we must apply the background for lasur with a paint gun or a roller and a brush.
  19. Lastly, apply the lasur, once the previous product has dried, and wait for it to dry.

Now we have our own homemade wooden pergola ready. Apart from being an extremely satisfying job, we will also have saved all labor costs.